chapter 21

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Riya's pov:

I was so scared to go inside. I am like a lion prey to him now. My hands were shivering I was clutching my sarees pallu. I opened the door and went inside he was no where to find. I relaxed and went towards my bed. Then my bathroom door opened I turned to my left and saw there my husband was standing there. He wore a T-shirt and shorts. He took his phone dialed some number and went outside.

I took this chance to change my dress. I went and changed my dress and did my night routine. When I came outside Gowtham was sitting in the bed. I don't know what to do. I was standing there whether to sit in bed or in chair.

"Well, you got what you want. Now what you planning" Gowtham suddenly asked me.

"Nothing" I said went and about to sit in bed.

"What you doing" he asked me.

"I was just sitting" I replied to him.

"See I was trying to be calm. But you are making me more irritating" he said.

"What you did today is unforgettable. How dare you tell to my mother and made me stay here" he stood up and came near me.

"Gowtham I know you don't like to stay here. But my family is already hurt because of us. I don't want to hurt them more" I stood up and told him.

"I don't fucking care" he shouting on my face.

"Please Gowtham this is the last time I'm going against your words" I said to him.

He grabbed my shoulder and too close to me. There were only inches away from our face. His grip was unbearable. I was trying to come out of that grip. But I need to be strong. This is my fucking life I made this decision and I am going to work on this marriage and change him.

"Gowtham leave me. You're hurting me" I told him.

"You also done the same thing today dammit" he said.

"You are trying to act like my wife, right. Okay let's be like a husband and wife" he said.

"No Gowtham I was trying to convince my parents. That is why I was talking like that" I said to him.

"So let's behave like one. Come on babe. Lets start our life" he said and hugged me. His left hand was holding my right hand and his right hand was in my waist. He pushed me back and now back was in the wall. There is no gap between us. It was happened in a fraction of second. He held both my wrists in one hand up and he was making circle using another hand near my ear. I don't know what that feeling is. It is something new and i liked it. But my gut feeling is telling me that his intention is wrong. His grip was harder to come out. He came near my neck his breathe was fanning near my face. I don't know that I was holding my breathe. After a while he looked at my eyes then his gaze went little down to my lips. He came towards it and was about to kiss me. He was few inches away from me I pushed him hard this time. He was stumbled back and balanced himself.

"WHAT THE HELL" Gowtham was shouting at me.

"How dare you Gowtham. You're molesting me" I said.

"Molesting... I'm your husband" he said.

"Husband really Gowtham. Now you are my husband. At home we are nothing but strangers" I asked him.

"Listen carefully, all this is happening because of you. Now you have to face the consequences" he said.

"Really Gowtham everything is happened because of me. If you have said NO to this marriage everything will be sorted out. We will be free from this marriage" I stumbled down and started to cry.

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