chapter 51

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Riya's pov:

He Carried me and throwed me on bed, I screamed with effect he removed his coat and came on top of me. " Today is the day" He said and started to kiss my cheeks.

He looked up at me and asked " are you sure about this, because If you want to stop, stop me now or else you should not regret later"

I thought for a while "I think I won't regret this" I said.

He slammed his lips on mine and started to devour my mouth, this kiss is not like anything we shared before. He was trying to show all his emotions in this kiss, like possession, hungry, needs. God this is like a toxic I was in a different world I just started to go with the flow. I roamed my hand on his back and pulled him more to me. He tried to not put his all the weight on me and balanced with his hands. After few minutes I can't take it anymore so I tried to come out of it but he was not planning to leave me now.

I finally withdrew from him and panting for oxygen, he started to give a wet kisses in my jawline and went down to my neck and he was kissing me on my neck but at one spot without realizing myself I moaned, He smiled on my neck and started to kiss their like a hungry lion. I can't able to control my moan " Gowtham " I moaned his name.

"Yes babe, say my name" He encouraged me.

After assaulting my neck he again kissed on my lips. He pulled my hair with one hand for better angle and using another hand he removed the saree drape on my shoulder. Then he came down and started to kiss on my navel and all my senses were running 100 km speed right now. I was trying to pull him up but you guys know about my strength and Gowtham strength. He sat and pulled me along with to sit.

He took both my hands and kept near his shirt button, I looked at him confusingly "remove my shirt" He said in my ears.

I smiled and started to unbutton it slowly " come on do it fast, I'm in hurry" he said and started to play with my necklace. No he actually removed it and tried to removed my mangalsutra(scared thread) But I stopped his hand " Don't remove that" I said.

"fine " He said.

I unbuttoned and then removed his shirt, he took his shirt from my hand and throwed it on the floor and pushed me to lie down on bed and came on top of me and removed the saree which was hanging on my hip and pulled it and throwed it on floor. Now I was in a shapewear and blowse only. God I'm in fire right now. He bent down and started to kiss my stomach and played with my belly button which is making a tickling sensation. I pulled him on top, he kissed my lips and looked up at me " I LOVE YOU RIYA " He said.

I placed my hand on his cheek and said " I LOVE YOU TOO ".

"Do you want me to stop " he asked me again.

I shaked my head as NO and he started to remove my blowse now, God I was not wearing bra also today. He is going to see my breast. I was in shy and at last he removed it and throwed it down and I hided my breast using my both hands. He looked up at me and took my hands from it and held it on top of my head and came close to my face " Don't try to hide from me babe, because You're mine. I have every rights to see you and only I have the right" He said and looked down at my breast.

God my cheeks were flushed I closed my face using my hands, he smiled and cupped my both breast and squeezed it lightly " It is perfect, babe you breast is firm, beautiful and soft" He said and started to ravish my breast.He kissed and took my nipple in his mouth and started to suck it. MY goodness right now I could feel wet in between my legs. Something is forming inside me which is super nice. I removed my hand from my face and looked at him, who is sucking my nipple and his other hand is playing with other breast. He took all his time to my breast and gave same attention to other also.

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