chapter 34

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Riya's pov:

It is been two weeks we started living here so far nothing went wrong. I hope I made a right decision. I was studying for my final semester, next week end my entire college life is coming to an end and meera is also busy with her studies. I don't know what I am going to do in future. I love working in my field but I was not inspired by that. I don't know what is my passion to pursue that.

Gowtham was still struggling to live here peacefully. Later now his nightmare are getting worse, only that is making me worried.

I was studying in my room after breakfast, I heard my mobile ringing. I saw the display it says shruthi calling. I smiled and attended her call.

Conversation between shruthi and Riya. R refers to Riya nd S refers to Shruthi.

S: hi babe
R: Hi darloo
S: what are you doing?
R: you know what I will do,shruthi.
S: yeah I know you're studying for exam.
R: then why are you asking me
S:I can't study without you. I need company riya.
R: okay shruthi you come to my home. We will study here.
S: where to your in-laws home.
R: ofcourse you come here amd stay for two days. We will finish entire book together.
S: but your family will be uncomfortable in my presence.
R: shruthi they are like our mom and dad. Mom will be happy of you come here and stay. I'm sure about that.
S: okay I'll come there tomorrow morning.
R: okay super, now go amd study and let me to do it.
S: bye idiot.
R: bye idiot friend.

I was also excited for shruthi coming here, she is like my sister I love her and I want this family to like her.

I was helping mom for dinner Gowtham came home and he was looking restless. He came and sat on sofa and called me but I couldn't hear his voice. He became more angry now "RIYA" he was screaming now.

I was cutting veggies I suddenly hearing Gowtham calling me. In tension I cutted my finger by mistake. I just washed my hand and hurried to Gowtham.

"What happened Gowtham" I asked him.

"What you doing, how many times I need to call you" he asked me.

"Sorry Gowtham, I never heard you" I said politely I know he is under pressure so I need to handle him and this sitiation clamly.

"Go and get me a coffee" he said.

I went inside started to make coffee, mom came inside the kitchen and looks me with the pity face.

"Ma It's okay, he is tension that is why he is like that" I told her but she was not convinced.

Gowtham said just coffee but he won't drink milk coffee. He always take black coffee. I don't know what to do and I have no guts to ask him also. Finally I decided to make black coffee for him.

By the time, everyone came home I went to the hall to give him black coffee he was talking on phone angrily. I just kept his drink in table and went inside the kitchen.

I again started to resume my work suddenly I heard"Riya"again Gowtham called me.

I went outside to him and standing infront of him. "What did I ask to you" he asked me.

"Coffee" I told him. Everyone was looking at me sadly. I was standing like a prey to a lion.

"What you gave me" he asked.

"Coffee" I said slowly.

"Did you give me coffee" he asked again.

"No" I said to him.

"So what you gave me" he asked me and stood up.

I was terrified now I made a huge mistake today "black coffee" I said.

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