chapter 55

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Riya's pov:

" What happened to him ma " I asked her.

She was not saying anything, just shouting Gowtham Gowtham " Riya come back immediately Gowtham needs you " she said and hung up the call.

What was going on there, I ran outside the room and went down where Meera, shwetha and krishnan mama were stiiting in a couch and talking. I went to them and " mama we need to go hurry " I said and pulled him along with me out.

" what is going on " He asked me.

" mom called me and told me to come immediately " I said and hop on the car.

He also sat on the driver seat and started the car, We are going to the hospital in very high speed " mama please hurry " I said and tears were flowing from my eyes continously.

We finally reached the hospital and I came out of the car and ran inside the hospital like a crazy women. I entered inside the lift and the floor 4 and waiting for the lift to stop.

Every second is like a year right now, I want to know what is happening in there. Lift came to an halt and I went out and ran to the Gowthma's room. Outside dad and mom was standing and mom was crying miserably. I went to them " ma what is happening, Is Gowtham okay " I aksed her.

The door was locked I can't see anything form here, " Riya he came to consious within few minutes when you left him. From then he was shouting your name, he is not talking to anyone, throwing all the stuffs down and he was trying to hurt himself " Mom said.

" doctors also can't able to control him " dad said.

" let me see him " I said and went to open the door.

" what if he hurts you dear " mom asked me.

" mom he won't hurt me, don't worry " I said.

I just want to see him right now. I opened the door, There Gowtham was standing there with some scissor in his hand and one nurse and doctor were standing opposite to him.

" Gowtham " I called him.

He turned and looked at me and standing there still looking at me for a while, " put that scissor down " I said.

he putted that scissor down and still looking at me " come " I called him.

He ran to me and hugged me tightly " why did you leave me " He asked me.

" I'm sorry, I won't leave you " I said and hugged him and tried to console him. Doctor and nurse went out to give some privacy to us.

He was not planing to leave me now, He cried in my shoulder and I let him pour his heart out. I also standing there holding him and crying silently. It's been a half an hour we were standing in same position, I pulled away from that hug and looked up at him, his skin pale his eyes were teary, he was looking damn tired. I took him to the bed and made him sit on it and sat next to him.

" Are you feeling any pain " I asked him.

He shaked his head as NO " Do you want something " I asked him.

He shakedhis head as YES " what you want " I asked him.

He pointed at me " You scared me " I said and looked down.

He cupped my face with his hands and made me look at him " I"m sorry dear " He said and I hugged him and cried out loud.

" How long I was in coma " He asked me.

" for two days, and you're not in coma it is parallize " I explained to him.

" shit " He said and looked worried.

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