chapter 37

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Riya's pov:

It's been two days since we planned to go on a vacation. Mom and dad were so happy after knewing about our trip. Gowtham booked ticket for next week thursday,It's 5 days program. I was so excited and started planning for my shopping list.( Girls always love to prepp for vacation, right)

Meera decided to help me for shopping. Now I'm getting ready for going to shopping. I was doing some makeup in my room suddenly Gowtham came inside and started to get ready for the office.

"Where are you going" he asked me.

"Shopping for vacation" I said.

"Riya don't say it vacation" he said.

"Then what should I tell it" I asked him.

He came near me holded my waist and said "Call it as a honeymoon darling"

"So we are going for honeymoon after 7 months of our marriage" I asked him.

"Yeah" he said and took his wallet and gave me his credit card.

"Use it" he said.

"No Gowtham I have money" I refused it.

"Riya I'm not giving this to Riya Ravikumar. I'm giving it to Riya Gowtham" he said.

"She has all the rights to use my money. No actual our money" he said.

"Okay I'll use it wisely" I said and took his card from him.

"That's my lady" he said.

"Okay are you going alone" he asked.

"No I'm going with meera. And we already booked our cab so don't worry" I said to him.

"Okay okay enjoy your shopping. I gotta go bye" he said.

"Bye" I said and got ready for my shopping.

We both went to mall and started to explore each and every shop. After like half a day we finally bought everything we want and went to food court to have late lunch. After having lunch we booked cab and went to home.

"How was the shopping" shwetha asked us.

"It's awesome" meera said.

"Shwetha this is for you" I gave two set of dress to her.

"What is this" she asked me.

"Maternity clothes" I said.

"Wow" she squealed.

"What did you get for me" mom asked.

"This is for you ma" I gave her saree.

"Super dear. It's so beautiful" she said and kissed my forehead.

"Okay I need to change my dress" I said and took my shopping bag and went to my room.

I changed my dress and lied down in bed. I heard my phone ringing. I sighed and stood up and searched for my phone. I don't know where it is. I searched every shopping bag and finally I found it. I got 2 missed calls from Gokul.

I called Gokul "hi" he said.

"Hi da, you called me" I said.

"Yes de I am going to join in your company as TL" he said.

"Wow TL how da" I asked him.

"I actually attended post for software engineer only. But Gowtham personally interviewed me for TL and selected me" he said.

"Congrats da" I said.

"Thanks for you and Gowtham" he said.

"No no It's your talent. If you losed in interview you won't got that job. So don't give credit to others da" I said.

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