chapter 61

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Riya' s pov:

"How is this happened" He asked me.

"What are you asking " I asked.

"No actually we used protection for every single time. Then how is this possible " He asked me.

"Gowtham first I never expect you to ask me that question. I thought you will be happy for us " I told him.

"Riya are you serious. Are we planning for a baby " He asked me.

"No " I said.

"Then how will I be happy " He asked me.

"Gowtham it happened, this is not our plan but it is God's plan. We are parents now" I said and holded his hands.

"No no no " He shouted and stood up.

"Riya I'm not ready for this. We are not ready for this " He said.

"Yes Gowtham we're not ready, but why are you freaking out. Now or then we are going to be a parents, right. It happened soon " I said.

"Riya I had lot of plans for us " He said.

"Gowtham " I called and went to him.

"No don't come to me " He said and went out of our room.

I ran after him and holded his hand " Gowtham where are you going "I asked him.

" I don't know but if I stay here with you. I will do something which I will regret " He said and jerked his hand from me and then went out of the home.

I am standing where he left me and sat on the floor. Then I went inside the room and lied down on bed and thinking about our conversation.

It's late night now, still he is not here. I am wide awake waiting for him. I need to talk to him. I was waiting, I heard his car sound I went to the door and opened it to see Gowtham was fully drunk. He came inside and fell down. I sighed and went to him and helped him to walk to our room.

I struggled to get him to our room, I made him lie down in bed and took his shoes off and covered him with the blanket. I locked all the doors and came to my room and lied down next to him.

Next day morning I woke up to see Gowtham was wide awake and looking at me. I smiled at him and snuggled close to him, He also hugged me back.

"Riya you want this baby " He asked me.

I looked at him, " Gowtham are you telling me to abort " I asked him.

"Riya please listen to me, I want to have baby after 2 years of our marriage" He said.

"Okay Gowtham but I'm pregnant now face the reality. I want this baby, I want my baby " I said and stood up.

"Riya I won't share you with anybody that's why I took you away from everybody. I want you to myself. " He said.

"This is ridiculous, this is our baby Gowtham this your baby your blood " I said and took his hand and kept it on my stomach.

He sat on floor and hugged my stomach "but I won't give you to anyone you're mine only mine " He shouted.

I sat in front of him and cupped his face " Gowtham why are you behaving like this. I'm yours only yours but this is our baby we made this baby, this is our blood and soul " I said.

"No no no You fucking don't understand, I don't want it I only need you" He said like a crazy people.

" We are going to hospital now " He said and stood up.

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