chapter 25

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Riya's pov:

It's been a  three month after that encounter with Gowtham. we were not like before, we were not even be in single room for more than 5 minutes. Gowtham was busy with his job and I'm also busy with my studies. he comes home late. he was drinking a lot lately. Whenever I get some time I used to visit both the parents home. Gowtham's parents were so sweet and caring. Meera and me became friends, she was hanging out with my friends gang also. After that incident Gokul was not talking properly with me. I apologized on behalf of Gowtham. but I can understand Gokul, he was hurt and embarrassed at that time. But I know he always look for my safety and good. Life was going good with no problem,no hurt and no hard feelings. But this is not my dream life. I don't know what will happen in future, but I'm preparing myself for that. I'm studying hard and attending lot of interviews. My project is doing fine so far I'm done what I could.

I love Friday evening, We have whole weekend ahead and we had a lazy Friday night to kill. I was chilling outside the backyard with music playing around and I was reading a novel and having some fresh cookies. I heard the door bell ringing. I was not expecting any visitors, then who is here. I went and opened the door and there stands my husband's elder brother and his wife along with my in-laws and my friend Meera.  I was shocked to see them. " what you won't invite us inside" shwetha asked me.

"everyone come inside" I told them. Everyone came inside.

"ma appa please take your seat. Mama and shwetha akka you both also please take your seat" i told them.( Gowtham's brother krishnan is brother-in-law to me. we call them as mama if we have younger brother-in-law we can call them with their name)

I went to kitchen and brought drinking water for everyone. " you guys carry on. let me make coffee for everyone" I said and went inside. mom also came with me.

" Ma you don't need to come here. I got this" I told her.

"I know but just giving some company" she said. I kept a raw milk on the stove to boil. Arrange other things which is required.Mom was watching milk for me.  We made some delicious coffee and gave to them along with cookies.

"Riya you never asked why we all came here suddenly" Krishna asked me.

"I know there is a special reason for this visit. But you guys can come whenever you want. so why should I need to ask" I told him.

"when Gowtham will come home, we need to tell in his presence only" shwetha asked me.

"I don't know someday he will come early and someday he will be late"I told them.

We women was  sitting in the backyard and chatting and gossiping. both dad and mama were talking about some business. "Riya call your husband and tell him to come soon. Don't tell him about us" mom told me.

I went to my room and dialed his number. After one complete ring he never attended my call. I again tried his number,now he answered:

conversation between Riya and Gowtham.

R refers to Riya and G refers to Gowtham

G: talk to me.

R: when are you coming home.

G: why are you asking that

R: listen I have reasons that's why I called you

G: then tell me your bullshit reason.

R: your whole family is here. your mom only told me to contact you.

G: what are they doing there.

R: I also don't know the reason for their visit. They were asking for to tell some good news.

G: okay are they going to stay.

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