chapter 68

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Riya's pov:

Finally we reached my parent's home, I am actually afraid to go inside and face everyone. He looked at me " What happened Riya " He asked me.

"Nothing I was just afraid of mom " I said.

" I too afraid of her only, but she won't do anything to scare you now because of the baby " He said.

"Okay let's go and face it " I said and went outside and stood in front of my home.

He took my luggage and came and stood next to me and holded my hand and pulled me along with him. He pressed the calling bell and waiting for someone to answer the door.

After few seconds the door opened and dad was standing in shock and looking at us.

"Riya you came  " He said and hugged me.

I started to cry in his shoulder " It's okay dear you are safe now " He said and patted my back.

He broke the hug and kissed my forehead and took me inside and Raj followed us. Then I saw mom was standing near the kitchen and looking at me like she was watching a horror movie.

She looked at me and then her glared changed to Raj. She went close to him " How dare you hide her in your home " She asked him.

"Aunty I'm sorry " He said.

"No you're not sorry, she is crazy but what happened to you Raj you should have #informed to me na " She asked him.

"Ma I was the one who told him to not say anything to anyone " I tried to defend him.

"I'm not talking to you so you better shut your mouth " She spatted at me.

"Aunty I thought she needs some time alone so I decided to not say anything. I know what I did is wrong but I just care about her " He said.

"You disappointed me today Raj " Mom said and went to her room.

" She is mad Raj, don't be hurt okay " Dad said.

"I know uncle so you don't worry, however what I did is not acceptable so I need these kinda punishment from aunty " He said.

"I'm so sorry Raj because of me only now you're in trouble " I said to him.

" It's not because of you so don't blame yourself for everything and take care of you okay " He said.

"Okay uncle I am running late for office I gotta go " He said.

"Okay Raj come here at evening okay " Dad said to him.

" Bye riya " He said and looked at me and gave his smile and I also smiled at him. Then he went out and took his car and drove away to his office.

Now I'm in my home feeling lot relieved and relax now. I sat on the sofa and dad sat next to me " We will have a conversation later now go and get some rest " He said.

"Yes dad " I said and went to my room.

My room is so warm and I feel so pleasant to be here. I lied down on my room and covered myself with comforter and closed my eyes to get some sleep.

I slept straight for four hours and then woke up and got freshen up and went down to have lunch. Mom is the one who is there in home but she is not talking to me.

I went and sat on the dinning table and I could smell something delicious. I opened and saw my favorite chicken biryani was there. I know my mom would have cooked this for me.

I served myself the biryani and some chicken curry and started to have my food. I never  had a proper food for long time so today I am going to eat this full bowl of biryani. I was eating but I felt like vomiting so I ran to the near restroom and started to puke and my mom also came and holded my head and patted my back.

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