chapter 38

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Riya's pov:

I opened the door and there was one girl standing with her luggage bag. "Hi how can I help you" I asked her.

"Who are you, move away" she said and pushed me aside and went inside the home.

Wth how dare is she. I locked the door and went inside to stop her. "Hello who are you" I holded her hand to stop her.

"Who are you" she asked me.

"Excuse me this is my home. You only came inside. Tell me who you are or go outside" I told her.

"I am nandini, btw where is everyone and who you are" she asked me.

Shwetha came to the lobby to check on me. After seeing shwetha she went and hugged her "shwetha darling how are you, wow you are pregnant" she said.

Shwetha was staring her like she saw some ghost and saw me. "Shwetha who is she" I asked her.

"She is.. She.." Shwetha was nervous and not telling anything.

"Shwetha why are you talking like this" I asked her.

"Nothing nothing she is our relative only" shwetha said.

"Oh okay okay sorry sorry nandini" I said.

"It's okay" she said to me and turned to shwetha"who is she" she asked to her.

"She is also our relative only. You come with me" she said and dragged nandini with her.

I was standing there and looking at them. May be she is our shwetha's relative. I went to my room. Afternoon mom and dad came home, they both also not looking so good. I don't know what happened to all.

"Ma what happened ma, you both are not looking well" I asked her.

"Nothing ma you go to your room" mom said.

"Okay ma" I said and went to my room. I called Gowtham to tell him about the situation.

"Hello" I said.

"What happened Riya" he asked me.

"Gowtham amma and appa was not looking well" I said.

"Why what happened" He asked me.

"I don't know I asked them but they told me to go to our room" I said.

"Okay you don't worry I will talk with mom" He said.

"Okay Gowtham today come little early. Something is wrong shwetha is also in tension" I said.

"Okay okay I will asap" he said and hung up the call.

Why they all behaving like this. Hoping nothing is wrong. I sighed and lied down don't know what to do. I felt sleepy so decided to take a nap.

Author's pov:

Everyone was gathered in Gowtham's parents room. Venkatraman, shanthi, shwetha, krishna, meera and karthick everyone was there except Gowtham, Riya and nandini.

"Why she is here" karthick asked.

"Who knows" shwetha said.

"Anni you never asked her" karthick asked shwetha.

"No da. I don't know what to talk to her" shwetha said.

"Did Riya anni know about her" meera asked.

"No no I introduced nandini as my relative and took her to my room" shwetha said.

"Next what is going to happen" mom asked.

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