chapter 20

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Riya's pov:


I was still standing outside my room. I don't know what to tell them. After thinking for a while I went down with hesitation.

"Hey,where is your husband. We are starving here" Ishan asked me.

"Ishan he is in a conference call. You know how important conference meeting is, right" I was trying to manage them. I came and sat beside my father.

"How long will it take to finish the meeting" my mom asked me.

"It will take a while ma, he told us to have lunch" I told her.

"No we can't have without him. We can wait for him da. You don't worry" dad said.

"No appa, he will feel guilty if we wait for him. I will eat with him appa you guys please start to eat" I told them.

"No no we were not that hungry. We can wait" said ishan.

I was trying to send signal to shruthi to help me. Finally she noticed my behaviour. She nodded her as she understood my situation.

"Ma you guys don't get what is happening" she asked excitedly.

"They are newly wedded couple. I think they are planing to have some alone time ma" shruthi trying hard to change the situation to ease.

Mom was smiling shyly and dad were looking somewhere else.

"Riya you don't need to lie to us. We can understand. You guys eat lunch in your room" Ishan said to me.

"Riya sweety, if you are happy We are also happy. You go have lunch with your husband" mom said.

I was feeling guilty to lie to them. They were trusting me. My parents were believing me. But I'm doing opposite to what they were thinking.

My mom helped me with the food. I'm no more in the mood to eat. I took the food and went to my room.

I entered my room and kept the food at the side table.
"Have lunch" I told him and went and sat at the chair at the study table.

Why my life changed like this. Before marriage I was so happy and I never regreted my decision ever. Now I'm regreting this marriage. I should not take this marriage that easily.

After finishing lunch he again went into his world. He is not caring about me nor my family.I took the plates and went to down to keep in kitchen.

"How was the lunch" mom asked me.

"As always good ma" I hugged her.

"Why one plate is not touched " mom asked me.

"Amma we ate in one plate" I was trying to act little shy.

"Is one plate enough for you both" she again asked me with doubt.

"I think you kept a lot of food for your son-in -law" I said and hugged her.

"He is so lucky to get a mother-in-law like you amma" I told her and went to my friends.

My brother ishan, shruthi and gokul were sitting in the ground and dicussing something very seriously.

I went and sat beside shruthi. They all were staring at me."what" I asked them.

"Is this really my sister riya" ishan asked me.

"What are you talking about" I asked him.

"Riya you in saree. How is this possible" ishan said sarcasticlly.

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