chapter 74

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Gowtham's pov:

"Riya stand straight and don't look down " I said to her.

"Come on tell me soon, am I gaining too much weight again " She asked me worriedly.

"Babe it's not weight it's our baby growing inside you " I said.

She stepped down from the machine and looked at me " Tell me how much my wieght " She asked me.

"Just 2 pounds increased " I said.

"Omg how am I going to reduces these weight " She said.

"Babe don't worry after delivery you will come to your normal weight " I said.

"No Gowtham tomorrow Ishan&shruthi's
Wedding, I am going to look like a elephant " She said.

"What are you talking about, babe you are so beautiful and this pregnancy bump and your glow is making you look even more gorgeous" I said and hugged her.

"Don't you lie with me " She said.

"First sit" I said and made her sit on the bed.

"Take some rest, we need to attend the reception at evening " I said.

"Okay, wake me up at 2'o clock " She said and lied down hugging her pillow.

I covered her with blanket and switched off the lights and then went outside and locked the door. I went down to see the whole house is very busy.

Oh I forgot to tell you guys we where in a Riya's parents home for past two week for Ishan's marriage. It's been 4 month now after that engagement. Today evening reception and tomorrow morning marriage.

I went down and I have to check  on the wedding Hall. So I decided to go there to check on one last time.

Riya's pov:

I woke up by the alarm set by Gowtham. Time is 2 pm. I still have 4hours to get ready. I sat straight and my mom came inside with my food.

"Riya here have your lunch and then start to get ready " She said.

"Where is Ishan and Gowtham " I asked her.

"Ishan is here only, and Gowtham went out to check on mandap" She said.

"Okay ma " I said and she went out and I washed my hands and started to have my lunch. But I was not in a mood to eat. But if Gowtham hears that I skipped the meal. He will go crazy so for the sake of the baby and Gowtham I was having my lunch.

I ate half of the food and took the plate and went downstairs. Nowadays it is so hard to walk and climb the stairs. I was walking slowly. Suddenly one hand came and supported my back and stood beside me. I look up to see Raj was standing near me.

"Hey Raj when did you arrive " I asked him.

"Just now, I was asking for you only, btw you are looking like a panda " He said.

"How dare you call a pregnant lady a panda " I said.

"Okay cool I'm just stating the fact " He said.

"I..... Don't start with me today " I said.

"Okay come on I will help you climate down or else give me the plate and you go upstairs to your room" He said.

"Okay " I said and gave my plate to him and went to my room. After few minutes I heard the knocking sound.

"Come in " I said.

Raj came inside and sat on the bed. "So how is your life going on" He asked me.

"Great this pregnancy period is super annoying and super excited also " I said.

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