Prologue - Faded from existence

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(I don't own Pokemon or its Company)

Ash and his classmates were in the Pokemon School teaching about Fairy Types until...

"Whoa! Look up there!" A student says pointing towards the sky. "Who is that Pokemon?" Another Student says. Ash and his classmates took a look towards the sky to see an unexpected, but dangerous visitor known as an Ultra Beast named Nihilego. Ash looked at the Ultra Beast and realized why it came here. Ash gasps. Lillie was scared for her life that it may be back to try and take her, but that wasn't the scenario. Mallow and Lana protected her. Sophocles panicked. Kiawe calmed him down and said, "It's alright! We can take it down together!" Kiawe says. "That's right!" Ash says agreeing with his statement. "Let's go!" Kukui says as he lifts down a secret lever revealing a secret passageway to the Ultra Guardians lair. "Woah!" Ash and his classmates says. "Hurry! There is no time!" Kukui says. Ash and his classmates went to their positions and the elevator lifted them down towards the lair.

Ash and his classmates arrived in the lair. "Woah! Cool!" Ash says. A screen shows up revealing Lusamine on the screen with a worried look on her face. "Is Lillie okay?!" Lusamine panicked. "I'm okay Mom!" Lillie says. "Oh thank goodness. Anyway no time to explain! Take these!" Lusamine says as an assistant in the lair welcomed them with Pokeballs. "These are Beast Balls! They will help us capture Ultra Beasts and we can send them back to their home!" Lusamine says. "You can count on us Ma'm!" Ash says. "Yeah what Ash says!" Sophocles says. "We will defeat that Ultra Beast! How dare it hurt our friend!" Kiawe says. "Yeah!" Lana and Mallow says. "I'm scared..." Lillie says. "Don't worry I'll protect you!" Ash says. Lillie blushed from his statement. "T-thank you..." Lillie says. Lana and Mallow saw her blush realized that they were jealous. "Hmph! I wanted to be protected too!" Mallow and Lana thought to themselves.

Ash and his friends headed outside to see a disaster form out in the school grounds. The Ultra Beasts were defeating trainers that were trying to capture them, and knocked them out violently leaving them bruised. "Oh no... What have I done..." Lillie says to herself. "Don't beat yourself up! This is not your fault!" Ash says to Lillie comforting her. "Y-you're right!" Lillie says. Kiawe ran up towards Nihilego with a Pokeball. "Turtonator! I need your help!" Kiawe says as he tosses a Pokeball revealing Turtonator. "Turtonator! (You'll regret what you had done to Lillie!)" Turtonator growls at Nihilego. Nihilego sees Ash and gets Angry. "Bloop! (I found you!)" Nihilego says angry as it hits Turtonator out of the way while heading towards Ash. Ash thought it was headed towards Lillie so he prepared himself for the worst. "I got this! Togedemaru Zing Zap!" Sophocles says as he points towards Nihilego. "Toge! Maru! (Take this!)" Togemaru says. "Bloop! (OUT OF MY WAY!)" Nihilego says as it smacks Togemaru back. Togemaru was unconscious. "Oh no Togemaru!" Sophocles say as his Togemaru. "Oh no! I got this!" Mallow says. "I'll back you up!" Lana says. "Go Steene!" Mallow says as she throws a Pokeball revealing Steene. "Go Popplio!" Lana says revealing Popplio. "Pop! (Don't get any closer to her or else...)" Popplio says. "Steene! (We'll beat you down!)" Steene says as she prepares to attack. "Magical leaf!" Mallow says to Steene. "Popplio! Bubble Beam!" Lana says. Both attacks landed, but Nihilego blocked them and smacked both Pokemon away then got closer to Ash and Lillie. Ash was protecting Lillie. "I'm not done yet! Turtonator! Use Flamethrower!" Kiawe says as his partner Turtonator got up and used a Flamethrower attack on Nihilego. Nihilego quickly turned around and took the blow, then shot Acid Spray towards Turtonator. Turtonator took the blow because it didn't have time to dodge. "Oh no Turtonator!" Kiawe says as his Turtonator looked weaker. Nihilego then smashed him down to the floor leaving him unconscious. "Turtonator!" Kiawe says as his Pokemon went down. Nihilego got closer to Ash and Lillie.

"Hey I remember that Nihilego!" Ash says. "Huh?" Lillie says confused. "That's the same one I used 10,000,000 Volts Thunderbolt on!" Ash says. "So it came back for what exactly?" Lillie says. "Maybe it was mad at me for hurting it, so it came back to return the favor..." Ash says. "What!" Lillie says. "Well then here I am! Come at me!" Ash says provoking Nihilego. Nihilego stopped a few steps away from Ash. "Bloop! (I'll KILL You!)" Nihilego says as she turns her arm into a needle full of Poison. Pikachu was in front of Ash trying to protect him and Lillie. "Pika! (I won't let you!)" Pikachu says. "Bloop! (Get out of my WAY!)" Nihilego says as she slashes Pikachu across the gut. "Pika! (Ouch!)" Pikachu yelps while Pikachu was burning with Poison.

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