Chapter 45 - Aching For Some Action

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

"Hey! That looks good on you!" Mallow said. "Y-you think so?" Lillie said. Lillie was wearing a beautiful white gem necklace. "Yeah!" Mallow replied. "Hey Mallow, I found one that suits you!" Lana said. "You did?" Mallow asked while turning around.

"Yeah here!" Lana said while handing it over, the necklace had colors of several fruit and the basket. "Whoa... That's so cool! How much is it?" Mallow said. "It's... Very expensive." Lana said while scratching the back of her head and blushing in embarrassment.

"Aw... I really love this one though..." Mallow said while pouting and looking at the piece of jewelry. "I'll buy it for you." Ash said. "W-wait! But you don't have t-" Mallow said before being interrupted.

"It's okay, my boss told me to." Ash lied. "Really Ash? Okay, fine besides, you deserve it." Arceus said to Ash. Arceus teleported a wallet into Ash's bag. Ash noticed it, he picked it up and read a note on it.

"Here's your daily salary today, it's only enough for the things you'll buy for the ladies." The note said. "Thanks, boss." Ash whispered. "Hey Lana! Did you already find something you like?" Lillie asked.

"I-I didn't." Lana said while looking at the floor. "Oh! I think I have something that will suit your style!" The clerk lady said while going under the desk. She pulled a small box out of the desk, she opened it.

"This is a beautiful necklace that was designed by Oliva, she calls it, 'The Deepsea.'" The clerk lady said holding the necklace. It was dark blue like the deep darkness of the ocean. The blue color is very realistic, like waves moving.

"It costs, 40,000 Poke, sorry for the price. But it's like no other." The clerk lady said. "I'll pay for it." Ash said. "Eh?" Lana yelped out. "Because you're my friend right?" Ash said with a thumbs up.

"Wow, do you have enough?" The clerk lady said. Ash pulls out the exact amount and places it on the counter. The rest of the girls brought the rest of their things to the counter as well. The clerk lady counts all in total.

"The total cost of the three jewelries you picked up is... 145,000 Poke." The clerk lady said. "Eh?!" The girls screeched as they were shocked that it was so expensive for three of them. Ash takes out 105,000 more Poke in his wallet that Arc gave him.

"EH?!" The girls screeched even louder as they saw how rich Alpha was. "Okay! So I'll take these from you... And here you go!" The clerk lady said as she takes the Poke, and then gives out the bags containing the jewelries. Ash gently grabs the bag.

The girls stand in shock as Ash handed the bag to them; Lillie. Lillie took the bag, and blushed to see how kind and nice Alpha was being. "Is something wrong? I've seen richer people." Ash said looking away grumpy.

"No no! Nothing wrong at all, hehe..." Mallow said while shaking her hands in a jazz style. "Okay then... Put it on, the jewelry." Ash said. The girls nodded, they took the box, opened it, then took the jewelry and wore them.

It definitely fits them and their style. All of the girls look in the nearby mirror. "Oh my! I'm so gorgeous!" Mallow said. "You do, all of you." Ash commented. The girls blushed.

"C'mon girls, we should get going." Ash said. "Y-yeah..." Lillie said while still blushing, it was a little tinted with red, more like pink. "He's a lucky guy huh? Ah... Young love..." The clerk lady whispered to herself. 

"Aw, shucks." ??? said while looking at the jewelry. It was a purple colored ghost, and red eyes, with a wobbly mouth style. "I like this one too..." ??? said while looking at it closer. The price labeled 75,000 Poke.

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