Chapter 74 - Time at Kalos w/ Arc (Part 3)

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(I don't own Pokemon or it's company, also GameFreak)

Here we see Ash, and Calem once in a while working together, well its not like Ash hates Calem, its just the fact that Ash feels like Calem is on to his fake name. "So Alpha, if that is your code name, then what is your real one?" Calem asked.

"Well, I cannot say because it is also a rule we must follow." Ash said, "So you mean the names Arc and Mewt are not real, so what is their real names?" Calem said. "You'll figure out easily, and now, no more questions." Ash said while pointing with his index finger at somebody.

"Huff, huff, gotta run away..." The thief said while holding the purse, people around him that they almost crashed into looked back at him confusingly. "Calem would you do the honors?" Ash whispered to his ears. "Sure!" Calem whispered back.

"Why don't I?" ??? shouted from high above the buildings. Everyone looked up at ??? it was Blaziken Mask! Or Mr. Meyer... "Oh my! It's Blaziken Mask!" A woman said, "Wow it's that super hero from my Comic Book!" Another guy said.

"Let me answer that question for you, Sure!" Ash shouted back, Ash then patted Calem's back, "For sure, there will be a next time for you... Why don't I ask Arc?" Ash said, "It's... fine." Calem said as he was walking away.

"Blaziken! Use Blaze Kick!" Mr. Meyer said. Blaziken makes fighting noises when coming in contact with the thief with his Blaze Kick. The thief flies off and falls on the floor. "Wait... he don't have any Pokemon with him?" Mr. Meyer thought to himself.

"Thank you Blaziken Mask, now we will take care of the rest." Officer Jenny said arriving on the scene. From afar, "C'mon Calem, I know one day you'll get a turn." Ash said before looking down on his waist. "Wait, wheres your Pokemon?" Ash asked.

Calem stopped for a moment and thought about it in his head, "Oh..." Calem said before he started running, "I NEED TO GO NOW!" Calem screamed as he ran away. "I think he forgot it at the Pokemon Center. He does need to claim it before somebody else does." Arceus said.

"So are we ready to start our Vacation again?" Ash said. "Yeah, I'll come back." Arceus said. "I'll have to check the others." Ash said running away. "Make sure they don't get kidnapped." Arceus said. "Don't worry, Mewt is the most mature out of all of them." Ash said.


Ash pants as he arrives back at the Ice Rink, "Huff, puff... Hey Mewt. Where's Arc?" Ash asked. "He's watching the others." Mewtwo said. "Anyways look at that." Mewtwo said pointing towards the Jolteon and the Glaceon.

Ash confused, "What it's just two Pokemon Ice Skating." Mewtwo facepalms, "I forgot to say look up first..." Mewtwo said. Ash looked up, "Amazing Ice Dancing Tournament!" says the sign. "Oh now I get it.

From Shiver's perspective...

"C'mon Shiver! Don't be shy, even when everyone's looking, always look back with a smile." Jolt said. "E-e-easy for you to say." Shiver says shivering in fear because of stage fright. "Watch, I'll lend you a paw." Jolt says as he grabs her paws and spins her around with one paw.

When the spinning stopped Jolt carried Shiver on his back, while Shiver was trying to regain consciousness from the spin out. "N-ice moves." Someone said from afar. "That was so 10 years ago." Someone else said.

"Ignore that guy, just focus on me." Jolt said, the words 'focus on me' kept echoing inside of Shiver's mind. "I-I will." She said blushing nervously. Both of them were Ice Dancing around the rink, while some competitors fell to the floor causing them to become disqualified in the match.

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