Chapter 70 - Time at the Cruise (Part 5)

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(I don't own Pokemon or it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Jolt and Gem were out on the Dance floor, "Ready?" Jolt said. "S-sure..." Gem said she was a little nervous, since there was an audience. "Clockwise movement first." Jolt said, Gem nodded. They moved perfectly in sync.

"Now Counter-Clockwise." Jolt said. Gem nods again. They both were perfect with each other. "I'll spin okay?" Gem asked. "Sure." Jolt puts his paw on the top of her head. She blushed a little. "Whoops I forgot to tell you that this was a part of the dance routine too." Jolt said.

She was blushing so hard she was about to faint. She made a spin around movement and almost fainted on the floor Jolt catched her on time ending the dance routine at the process. "Wow you're really good at this... Wait... Gem? Are you okay?" Jolt said.

Gem was smiling while blushing she looked like she was having the best of her time. "Y-yes I am..." Gem said her happiness level was to the max at this point. She gave Jolt a hug and leaned in for a kiss. Jolt saw it and avoided it.

"I don't accept, I'm not sure if I am ready for that or them..." Jolt said. "Who is them?" Gem asked. "Ahem, the others." Jolt said referring to the ones that been with him too. "Oh, I see..." Gem said with a sad look on her face. "However..." Jolt said, he grabbed her by the waist.

"I would love to dance with you, you make a great dancing partner." Jolt said carrying her. "I-I do?" Gem asked. "Yes, you do." Jolt said, he leaned in for a kiss...

Just kidding, Gem was blushing madly as she fainted on spot on the dance floor. "Hehe... I love you too..." Gem whispered unconsciously into Jolt's ear. "And just when we were about to wipe the floor with everyone else on the dance floor too. Whatever, I'm just glad she's safe." Jolt said.

Jolt went over to where Mewtwo was, he was with Serena. Approaching Mewtwo. "What happened?" Mewtwo asked Jolt. "Uh... she fainted on the dance floor, probably stage fright." Jolt said. "But it's not a stage." Mewtwo whispered into Jolt's ear.

"Yeah I know that, I think it's like... Dance floor fright." Jolt said. "Just stick with Stage fright." Mewtwo whispered. "Okay." Jolt replied. "Oh and sorry about the commotion, I was glad that I was able to talk to you." Mewtwo said.

"No problem! Thank you for talking to me I really needed to let some words out. So you're a friend of Alpha's right? Please tell him I said hi." Serena asked. "Sure," Mewtwo said. "And also is that your Pokemon?" Serena said.

"Oh no it is not, I don't plan on using any, I want to help other Pokemon without using them." Mewtwo said. "That seems like a really hard challenge. Sometimes it is easier with a little help." Serena said. "Hmm... a little help..." Mewtwo thought to himself.

"Now that I realized it, Ash wasn't able to get most of the job done alone without our help, maybe... it is better to get help." Mewtwo thought to himself. "Hi What's your name?" Jolt asked Serena's Sylveon.

"I don't have one, I'm just a plain old me!" Sylveon said. "Well my name is Jolt, the Jolteon!" Jolt greeted himself. "Hehehe! What a cute name." Sylveon said with a giggle. "Actually now that I think about it... it is a cute name." Jolt said with a blush of embarrassment.

Gem woke up on Jolt's back, She growled at Sylveon. "Did I do something wrong?" Sylveon asked. "No it's just okay," Jolt said trying to hold Gem back from attacking Sylveon. "It's alright Gem, all she did was compliment me, we get those from time to time." Jolt said.

"Are you trying to flirt with him?" Gem asked Sylveon furiously. "N-no I was not." Sylveon said surprised of her attitude, she seemed to have a blank expression until she understood something. "Oh, I get it, you like him don't you?" Sylveon asked calmly.

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