Chapter 5 - Get the show on the road again!

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company)

Alpha aka Ash woke up and saw Pikachu was sleeping in the bag that Arceus gave him.

"Hey buddy? You awake?" Ash says. "Pika... (Just a couple more minutes mom...)" Pikachu says. Ash sighs, "I guess you won't have any breakfast... such a shame I'll have to eat it..." Ash says. Pikachu doesn't wake up. "With ketchup..." Ash says. "PIKA! PIKA! (I'M UP! WHERE'S THE KETCHUP!)" Pikachu says as he gets up. Ash laughs, "Heh never gets old." Ash says.

Ash brings out a ketchup bottle he suddenly bought from a shop in the cruise which was weird... anyway, Ash and Pikachu eats their breakfast at the buffet with ketchup. Ash eats his breakfast with a little bit of ketchup while Pikachu covered his food with the whole bottle. After they ate they heard something in speakers.

"Attention passengers, we are arriving in our destination in the Hoenn region." A lady said in the speakers.

"Hear that buddy? We're close!" Ash says. "Pika! (Yeah!)" Pikachu says. "Remember the mission." Arceus says. "Sure! What's next?" Ash says. "Find their base with help of Manaphy by your side, he can keep in contact with Kyogre using his antennas." Arceus says. "What about Groudon?" Ash says. "Don't worry Ash, Groudon is kept with Team Aqua, I bet Team Magma is going to try to get Groudon back. Since they do have Kyogre. Once they meet for a trade to get our friend, release Kyogre, then let him do all the work with Manaphy." Arceus says. "Okay sir." Ash says.

"Alrighty so where do I go?" Ash says. "Find a Team Magma member and interrogate him." Arceus says. "Okay... I guess?" Ash says.

Ash have never interrogated a person so he may feel a little guilty doing so...

Ash never realized he is still being followed by a known friend of his.

"May is this such a good idea? He's a complete stranger! Even if he looks quite alike like him with a Pikachu on his shoulder..." Max whispered. "Zip it Max! What if it really was him!" May said in a quiet tone. "What about mom and dad? They'll be mad if we made them worry!" Max whispered. "Ugh... fine! We'll go back home then go on a journey following this guy!" May says. "Whew finally you understood..." Max tried to say without her sister hearing him. "What was that?" May said in a scary tone. "Umm... nothing!" Max says. "Good." May says as she waits patiently for the Mudkip Cruise to dock at the port.

After the Mudkip Cruise docks Ash off board the Cruise and walked away while May and Max ran off to Petalburg City.

Ash sniffs the air, "Smells like Hoenn right Pikachu?" Ash says. "Pika!" Pikachu cooed. "Now where do we go?" Ash says. "You've made it now I need you to travel towards a place where your compass tells you to head to finding your first team Magma Grunt." Arceus says. "Alright!" Ash says. Ash pulls out a compass it points to Petalburg. "Oh just great." Ash says in sarcasm. "Getter going Ash." Arceus says.

Ash makes his move by walking into a forest. "Also Ash did I forget to mention that the Mew you caught... you can keep her with you. She really wanted to stay with you since the first time she saw you." Arceus says. "Oh that's nice..." Ash says. "What's wrong?" Arceus says. "It's just that... How do you trust me?" Ash says. "I can tell by your heart that is filled with kindness to protect Pokemon at all costs, even if it kills you." Arceus says. "Thanks for the compliment I guess?" Ash says.

In the forest where Ash seemingly walks through calmly. "Oh yeah Ash did I forget to mention that you'll do something else for me too," Arceus says. "And it is?" Ash says. "Another mission." Arceus says. Ash sighs, "Can I have a break?" Ash says. "Not yet... but later." Arceus says. "Alright..." Ash says.

Reaching a ledge near Petalburg City. "And here we are! Right buddy? Buddy?" Ash says frantically looking for Pikachu. "Pika... (Ahhh...)" Pikachu says sleeping in the bag Arceus gave him. "C'mon buddy were almost there!" Ash says.

"Did I forgot to mention that..." Arceus says before getting interrupted. "To tell me sooner?" Ash said annoyed. "Wow you seem agitated, sorry I should've told you sooner." Arceus says. "Alright go on." Ash says. "To mention that your Pokemon Greninja died with you because your so called Bond phenomenon actually killed him, can't blame you so for a gift you can have your Greninja back also If I revive you he shall be revived too." Arceus says. "Thank you, you're a great friend." Ash says. "Thanks, don't mention it." Arceus says. "Did I mention... NAH just playing with ya. Humans are so fun to mess with." Arceus says. "Yeah sure sure..." Ash says.

Not to notice that someone was following Ash. "There is that guy! Man is he mysterious..." May says. "Do you like him? Eh? Eh? Eh-OWCH!" Max said before getting hit on the head. "Oh stop teasing me!" May said, "Why is he heading towards Petalburg?" May said.

(How's that for a chapter? Comment or not.)

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