Chapter 42 - Shy Shadow

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash walked around the school several times, was the Pokemon messing with him? The compass pointed towards random directions. "Ugh... I think it's just messing with me." Ash said looking at the compass.

"Ready class?" Kukui said to his students. "Yeah!" They all said, they were preparing to run around the track, their Pokemon were on the other side. Ash sighed to himself, "I wish I can have my life back..." Ash whispered to himself.

"What are you talking about Ash, you're free now, unless you want to surprise them in some sort of way..." Arceus explained. "I am?" Ash said. "Yeah." Arceus said. "Yes!" Ash whispered to himself while fist pumping the air.

Ash approached his friends preparing to take off the mask until realizing something. "What if they hate me? I mean I didn't even thought it through yet, they'll get angry at me if I revealed myself out of nowhere and explaining things. I need to have an excuse, it's gonna be hard." Ash thought to himself.

Many thoughts appear in Ash's mind, lying is what he did, now he had to apologize to everyone. He regretted lying to his friends, but only for a reason. "Hey Arc? Mind helping me out, if I lie; can I add you into the mess I got myself into?" Ash said.

"Sure, besides from that, no one knows where I live because the Hall of Origin is a dimension anyways." Arceus said. "It's also mine so I can control it." Arceus said. "First finish the side mission, because I got more for you in store, but you don't have to do them." Arceus said.

"But I hate not doing a favor because I hurt people's feelings." Ash explained. Arceus processed this through, "Hmm... I understand your feeling, if I was you, I would be asking for help as well." Arceus said.

"Thank you, I'm out." Ash said. Ash looked at the compass it was still freaking out. "I guess it's not gonna help me for now." Ash said putting it away. Ash hid behind a building and looked around.

"Who's my client Arc?" Ash asked. "He's Marshadow, he's also shy so he's gonna be hard to take a snap." Arceus said. "Great, does he like interaction with people?" Ash said. "I don't even know, he was scared of me." Arceus said.

"Then I'm done for huh?" Ash said. "I won't bet on it, play nice guy." Arceus said. "Sounds, easy... I hope. I'm not good with shy people, they're scared of my exciting behavior." Ash said. "I realized that from the start you love to interact with your friends." Arceus said.

"How do I get his attention?" Ash said. "One way is to approach him with a handshake or bring in attention with anything." Arceus said. "Hmm... I have a perfect plan and it was a great idea for having a Primarina." Ash said while smirking to himself.

Ash headed off towards Kukui and his students. "Hello! Am I interrupting?" Ash said. Kukui turned around to see Alpha, so did his students., "Oh Alpha! Have you finished your mission?" Kukui said.

"Well... I'll save it for later, my boss is having a good day today, so I have a day off." Ash lied. "Great! Let me introduce you to my students here," Kukui said. "Sophocles, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, and Lillie?" Ash said.

Everyone was shocked. "H-how did you know?" Kukui asked. "My boss gave me information about you." Ash lied. "Ahem... Okay, so you're gonna be our guest today, isn't that great class?" Kukui said. "Yeah!" The students said.

"Anyways, we should get back on track, get it?" Kukui said pointing towards the tracks. Everyone facepalmed; "What do guests do?" Ash asked. "Well sit by and watch us of course!" Kukui said. "And that's it? Sounds boring." Ash said while his arms were crossed.

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