Chapter 4 - My name is...

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company)

Ash paid to get in a faire to Hoenn to help out a pal that saved him... and almost scared him to death known as, Kyogre and Groudon. But the problem is... "Sir? I need your name and ID." The lady manager says. Ash hesitated and stuttered saying, "O-oh, m-my name is... Err..."

"Ash look in the bag there is a Pokedex in your bag, take it out and show it to her." Arceus says. "Here you go mam," Ash says while showing her the Pokedex. "Hello! I'm dexter, Alpha Kestcrow's personal Pokedex from Professor Rowan in Twinleaf Town. If lost or stolen I cannot be replaced." The Pokedex said.

(Give credit to @Murasayukii of the name 'Alpha')

"Thank you Sir, you can proceed now." The lady manager says. "Whew..." Ash sighs in relief.

"I've got to admit Ash you did well back there, with me on your side." Arceus says. "Thanks for the compliment Arceus... I guess?" Ash says confused. "Alright, I'll give details on your mission, go outside and wait for someone I sent to help you find Kyogre, then Groudon." Arceus says. Ash did what Arceus said to do.

"What's next?" Ash says. "Wait for a very special friend of yours and May's to arrive in the water." Arceus says. "Okay..." Ash says while leaning on a railing.

Somewhere with May...

May was leaning on the railing outside the boat known as Mudkip Cruise with her brother Max behind her, however unfortunately Alpha a.k.a. Ash was right by her left.

Back to Alpha...

Ash was thinking of what Arceus meant. It could be a Wailord, or a Floatzel. He was interrupted by a noise.

"May.... I'm bored!" ??? says. "Oh be quiet! You said that many times before!" May says clearly annoyed. "But May...." Max says before being cut off. "No buts mister!" May says. "Fine! Hmpf!" Max says grumpy with his arms crossed. May sighs before looking around if they caused any attention.

Ash sees May and Max then immediately scoots away from them quickly to a place where there is no one to see him.

May sees this and suspects the person to be a bad guy. "May? Who are you looking at?" Max says. "I don't know, but I am gonna follow him he looks too suspicious. C'mon let's go!" May whispers into Max's ears. "May hold up!" Max says while being dragged.

May eavesdrop up on Alpha behind a wall with Max.

"Hey Arceus, you there?" Ash whispers to himself. May and Max couldn't hear. "Yeah, anyway 'he' is coming in
1..." Arceus says while being interrupted by a splash coming out of the water revealing ???.

"Zero! Hi there Alpha! You already know who I am so, I'm here to help you on your quest." ??? says. "Woah... I didn't expect you to be here..." Alpha says. "Father of creation, informed me on my Mission. And it seems like I'm right on time!" ??? says.

May heard all of this, but couldn't risk to look at them. "Who was that May?" Max whispered. "One was Alpha and the other one sounded so... familiar... why?" May whispered.

"Anyways... what do I do next?" Ash says. "I already informed 'Manaphy' about it." Arceus says. "Alright what do I do?" Ash says in front of Manaphy. "Catch me! And I'll help you on your journey!" Manaphy says. Ash gasps loud. "Alright I guess..." Ash says before catching him. Ash looks around to see nobody spy on him, then started walking back.

May and Max started to panic a little bit after seeing Alpha come their way. "Uh oh! Quick hide!" May says. "Where?!" Max exclaims.

Ash walked right around the corner to see no one is here. "Hmm..." Ash hummed. Ash started to look for a room to stay for the night.

"Whew that was close..." May says. "I think you mean 'too' close if you say..." Max says. "We still gotta follow him!" May says. "Wait stop! Do you think going into his privacy is gonna be a good idea?" Max says.

May realize that she doesn't want to get involved in some stranger's business.

"Err... okay Max, if you say so." May says as she walks away with Max following behind her.

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