Chapter 35 - Working in Daycare

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was helping out the Pokemon in the daycare, he let his Pikachu walk out of the bag to play with them, Angie did the same except that her Pokemon was a Luxio. "Wow Luxio! Long time no see!" Pikachu said. "Hmm? Wait... PIKACHU?!!" Luxio exclaimed out loud.

"Shh!!! Don't tell your trainer that I'm alive," Pikachu said, "Pikachu, don't reveal yourself, that was close." Arceus said. "Sorry Arc," Pikachu said. "Don't worry I'll forgive you." Arceus said. "Because I'm a Pokemon. Right?" Pikachu said with a smug look.

Arceus sighed, "Yes that's the reason why." Arceus said. "Uh... Who are you talking to?" Luxio said confused. "Sorry that's my boss, Arc. He's Alpha's boss and mine too." Pikachu said. "Oh... I guess that makes sense, anyways, help me take care of the mareep in the backyard. They are frantic about electricity." Luxio explained.

"Sure!" Pikachu said accepting to help Luxio. Ash and Angie was gathering up food for the Pokemon. "So in order this one's Mareep's favorite, this one is Abra's, Shinx's, Psyduck's, Pachirisu's, Cherubi's, Buneary's, and Glameow's." Angie said showing which Pokemon food each goes to.

"That's a lot to catch up on, I'll do the Abra, Shinx, Psyduck and Pachirisu. You'll take the rest." Ash said. "But... you're doing most of the work." Angie pointed out, "Yeah, I'm supposed to help you out, it's my mission, including helping you out." Ash said.

Angie blushed, she met a very kind person. "Th-thank you!" Angie said blushing. "No problem, let's get going!" Ash said fist pumping the air.


Ash got done feeding the Pokemon, Angie still had a lot to do, Glameow didn't like having their fur messy, even by an inch of mess. "Come on Glameow! You need to eat your food." Angie said. "Meow! Glameow! (No! My fur is messy, it's a disaster!)" Glameow said in horror.

Angie sighed, she didn't understand what she's saying. "Glameow loves to be neat and clean, she doesn't like a mess, clean her up take her to a bath and she'll eat afterwards. What? I used to take care of my little ones." Arceus said. Ash rolled his eyes.

Ash brought out a brush and a hair dryer. Glameow looked happy as she saw Ash holding the items. Glameow ran over to Ash immediately, Angie left behind the dust sighed, she was doing bad at her job.

Glameow waited patiently for Ash to clean her fur, one problem; Ash didn't know how to do it. "I know that you never comb a Pokemon's hair carefully so I'll guide you." Arceus said.

Moments later...

Ash finished and wiped off the sweat generated on his face, Glameow was filled with joy as she jumped around happily. Glameow went back to her bowl of food and ate it gently. Angie seeing all of this happen was shocked.

"Maybe he's better than me... Maybe he doesn't need me..." Angie said to herself with a frown. Suddenly she feels something by her side, it was Glameow; Glameow was rubbing her cheeks on her leg. Glameow walked over to Ash and talked to Ash, which Ash couldn't understand.

"Ash, cheer Angie up, she's looking a little down, requested by Glameow." Arceus translated. "Hmm? Oh thanks for the translation, I will happily do so." Ash said to Glameow. Ash walked over to Angie currently curled up into a ball crouching down looking a little down.

"What's wrong Angie?" Ash said. Angie sniffles, she was on a verge of tears. "I... I don't know if I can do this anymore... Ash is gone and everything is falling apart; my job, my life, and my future." Angie said voice cracking a little.

Angie felt something from Ash, a hug. "Calm down, nothing has fallen apart yet, look around you." Ash said pointing towards everywhere around Angie. All of the Pokemon were there with smiles on their faces.

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