Chapter 24 - Cruise to Kalos

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

After celebrating for Alpha, Ash hid behind a nearby tree and tried to communicate to Arceus. "Arc, I finished my mission perfectly, where do I go now?" Ash said. "Hmm... Oh... you did? That's great! Anyways you're next mission is to head to Kalos and save Zygarde, the only problem is that I don't know where he is." Arceus said.

"So how do I find him?" Ash asked. "You're gonna have to find Hoopa, he has the ability to give you what you want, including creating a portal to where Zygarde is at." Arceus answered.

"Alright! I hate traveling! Let's do this!" Ash said beginning to walk towards the nearest port. "From where I am..." Ash said pulling out a compass, it points towards behind him. "That way!" Ash said to himself.

Arceus chuckles to himself. "Even though I may feel a little bit bad for Ash, he's still human and I like to see humans suffer." Arceus said to himself cutting off communication with Ash.

Ash sneezed, "Phew ah! Time to get going, the faster we go, the more time we have when we get back into our old lives again!" Ash said to Pikachu. "Pika! (You make a point!)" Pikachu yawned, he was getting clearly bored.

Ash pulls out a bike and rides it towards the next port over past Snowpoint City. Ash rides past a person along the way, and ignores her as he knew who she was.

"Huh? Hey! Watch it!" ??? said to Ash. "SORRY!!!" Ash replied when he was 20 feet away from her. "What nerves he had!" ??? said to herself. "Although... I can't really see his face." ??? said.

Hours later...

Ash has made it to a port on the other side of Snowpoint city. He was currently waiting in the center of the port after putting away the bike. "I'm pretty sure I remember this area... Oh! I remember! This was where the Wallace Cup was held!" Ash thought to himself.

"H-hey you th-there..." ??? said shyly, Ash turns around to see someone. "Y-you're that Alpha person right?" ??? said. "Yeah... So...?" Ash questions. "C-can I have your autograph! M-my name is Selene! Sometimes people call me Moon!" Selene said handing out a 'Boarding The Storm' CD case.

"Uh-oh..." Ash thought to himself. "Err... please dial it down a bit please? I'll sign it!" Ash whispered to Selene. "Oh, okay!" Selene said a little loud. "Shh!!!" Ash said posing a shh with his fingers.

"Oh, okay!" Selene said quieter. "Thanks!" Ash said. "Anyways will you sign it for me?" Selene whispered. "Sure." Ash responded with a smile while taking a pen out of the bag signing the CD case for Selene.

After signing an autograph for Selene. "Thank you!" Selene whispered. "It's okay to talk, just don't expose me." Ash explained. "Okay! Anyways... Where are you headed?" Selene asked. "I was headed to Kalos. You?" Ash asked after answering.

"I'm headed back home to Alola!" Selene said. "Cool! Well I need to go now I think the boat is here." Ash said. "Oh okay! Here's my number! Call me anytime!~" Selene said handing him a piece of paper and winking. Ash sweat drops as he took the piece of paper from Selene.

"Hey Ash! You hitting on her?" Arceus teased. "I wasn't hitting her, was I?" Ash responded. "..." Arceus was in complete silence. There was a crashing noise heard in Ash's head. "What was that?!" Ash asked. "I have no words now." Arceus responded.

Hours later...

Ash took the 'Vaporeon Vessel' that headed to Kalos, the captain of the ship was a person with a Vaporeon. Ash was currently on the ship having a battle with a random person, the person was wearing a blue suit and hat, it was familiar to Ash, and so was the suit. The person himself was very familiar.

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