Chapter 58 - Z-crystal Collecting (Part 5) / Paradise Resort

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(HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!!!!!! You guys deserved it. I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash arrived at the Grand trial, or Ruins of Life. Olivia was waiting there, the sky was turning to evening, it was getting late...

"So, you've arrived huh? Thanks! So I don't have to wait out here for no one!" Olivia said. "Of course I came! I wouldn't leave you hanging right?" Ash said. "Right! So... wanna get this started?" Olivia said as she pulled out a Pokeball.

"Sure!" Ash said as he pulled out his Pokeball, "Rules?" Ash asked. "Double battle!" Olivia said as she pulled out an extra Pokeball. Ash did the same, but with a bag, "Okay! Let's go Lucario and Pikachu!" Ash said.

Lucario arrived from the Pokeball, Pikachu just jumped out of the bag. "Ready!" Pikachu and Lucario said. "Alright! Let's go Lycanroc and Probopass!" Olivia said while throwing two Pokeballs out in mid-air.

Both Lycanroc (Midday form) and Probopass appeared on spot. "We're stone on job!" Both Pokemon said. Pikachu stretches his arms, and sparks his cheeks with a small grin and cheeky glare. Lucario smirked as he was gonna have a lot of fun.

Pikachu staring at his partner, stepped back grumpily, "Bet you're gonna take all of the fun huh?" Pikachu guessed, "Yep," Lucario said. "Start strong with Bone Rush!" Ash called out. "As you wish." Lucario said while pulling out a Bone Rush, and rushing towards his opponents.

"Sorry Pikachu, but Lucario loves to take the spotlight, so why don't you aim the light at him? In other words, help him. You can start it off with a Thunderbolt." Ash said. Pikachu sighed, "Fine..." Pikachu said.

Pikachu ran after Lucario to catch up with him. "Lycanroc! Accelerock! Probopass! Magnet Bomb!" Olivia called out. Lucario reacted with a Counter, and striked Lycanroc with his paw which knocked him back to the Olivia's side. 

A few of Probopass' mini helpers flew towards Lucario. Pikachu used Thunderbolt, to knock out the mini helpers of Probopass. "I've got you!" Pikachu said. Lucario did a thumbs up, somehow... "Aura Sphere!" Ash called out. Lucario fired an Aura Sphere on call.

The attack missed. "You know... Sometimes, you don't have to call out dodge to dodge." Olivia said. "I know, I expected you to dodge." Ash said. "Thanks for the motivation! But you're my opponent." Olivia said.

"I know, I'm just being nice, Lucario! Aura Sphere once more towards Lycanroc!" Ash called out. Lucario fired the Aura Sphere, It missed once more as Lycanroc jumped backwards to dodge the attack.

Pikachu prepared and fired a Thunderbolt towards Lycanroc as Lycanroc was still in mid-air. Probopass tanked the attack and charged at Pikachu with Giga Impact. Pikachu countered the attack with Iron Tail.

It recoiled as Pikachu and Probopass both took the attacks, both were thrown back into their sides, Probopass took the Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, and recoil from the Giga Impact, this resulted being fainted.

Pikachu on the other hand was okay, for now, he seemed to take a lot of damage from a single Giga Impact, guess it was that strong? "Pikachu! You okay buddy?" Ash said. "Yup! Just flinching from the impact." Pikachu said.

Olivia sighed, "You did great Probopass, I just kinda wished this battle went on for a little longer for you..." Olivia said as she returned Probopass. Olivia held her right wrist with her left hand, "This looks bad, Lucario be careful." Ash thought to himself.

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