Chapter 63 - Take Off to the Skies!

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash gave Arceus his so deserved Coffee. "Thank you, took quite long enough." Arceus said. "You're VERY welcome." Ash said sarcastically. "Don't fight me mate." Arceus growled at Ash, in telepathy.

"Anyways, how would you like to present an example of a Pokemon Battle to these trainers?" Candice said with a crowd that wanted to see a fight. "Of course! But I'm not going to do it, he is." Arceus said while pointing to Ash.

Ash shrugged, "But why not Arc?" Candice asked. "Because I'm not a trainer." Arc said, everyone was shocked. "Y-you're not a trainer?" A student said. "Of course not, I'm just guidance for Alpha." Arceus said.

"Wow, that's kinda shocking for someone your age." A student said. "No it's not." Arceus said. "Well, whatever the case is... I'm fine with Alpha showing an example. Jeremiah? Would you like to battle this trainer?" Candice said.

"Sure thing!" Jeremiah said in the crowd, he made his appearance with a Skuntank. "So to start things off, just ask the certain trainer you want to battle with to have a battle of course. It won't matter of the answer, it'll be yes or no." Ash said.

"Can't force someone to battle you, that's not how it works." Ash explained. "How many badges do you have?" Jeremiah said. "I don't have any badges, I'm not participating in any leagues, my job keeps me busy." Ash said.

"Well... you DO have your own time... right?" Jeremiah asked. "Well... no." Ash said with an honest answer. "I have to earn my time." Ash said. "Wow, sounds rough, c'mon let's head outside there's a battlefield." Jeremiah said.


Ash got on his side of the field and so did Jeremiah, a referee came into field. "This'll be a battle with Jeremiah against Alpha. 1 versus 1." The referee said.

Ash prepared a Pokeball, Jeremiah didn't have to, Skuntank was already there. "Let's go Skuntank!" Jeremiah said pointing his finger towards the battlefield. Ash pulled out a Pokeball, "Lucario, wanna skip this one?" Ash thought to himself.

"Well, why not? What do you think about choosing?" Lucario asked, "Primarina, just to surprise them." Ash answered. "Terrible idea... but go ahead, I have a feeling that you will win because that Skuntank is weaker than Primarina." Lucario explained.

"Haha... thanks for the info, Primarina! Let's get this going!" Ash called out, he threw the Pokeball, Primarina appeared and everyone awed at the amazing and beautiful Pokemon, "Whoa, what is that Pokemon?" Zoey asked.

"Can't explain now, I have a battle to attend to." Ash said, "I wasn't talking about you!" Zoey said while blushing a little. "That is one glorious Pokemon, what type is it?" Jeremiah asked. "Can't explain as I said, so let's start this off! Primarina Misty Terrain!" Ash called out.

A Misty Terrain started to form around the battlefield. "L-let me guess, is it a water type? It looks like one." Jeremiah guessed. "Uh, ya think?" Ash replied. "Yeah, it does look like one." Jeremiah said.

"Skuntank! Sludge Bomb!" Jeremiah called out. Skuntank shot a Sludge Bomb from its tail. It flew towards Primarina, "Quick, Hydro Pump the Sludge Bomb towards Skuntank." Ash called out simply.

Primarina launched the attack back into Skuntank using Hydro Pump, but it was a fast ball. "Whoa! Quick!" Jeremiah said. Skuntank shaking from the attack, "Primarina! Use Hydro Pump again!" Ash called out. "Quick Skuntank, take time and Sucker Punch!" Jeremiah said.

Skuntank quickly approached Primarina and Sucker Punched her in the gut, it was not very effective, Primarina spewed out the Hydro Pump into Skuntank's face and Skuntank flew back towards his trainer's side.

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