Chapter 6 - Hello newcomer...

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company also Gamefreak)

Ash was in Petalburg to find a Team Magma grunt to interrogate. Ash pulled out a compass and it pointed to an abandoned house.

Ash inhales and exhales, "Here we go..." Ash says. "Pika... (Let's do this...)" Pikachu coos.

Ash searched around the house and then hears someone speaking through the window.

"I see that you're doing your job perfectly." ??? says. "Yes, master." ??? says. "Please call me by my name." ??? says. "Sorry Maxie." ??? says. "Don't worry about it Courtney." Maxie says. "Anyways I'll need you back here everyone too. I'm going to need back up." Maxie says. "As you wish Master." Courtney says. Maxie sighs, "Dismiss," Maxie says. The transceiver turns off.

Courtney was then tangled in a lasso. "Who goes there!" Courtney says turning around to see a cloaked man. "I am Alpha Kestcrow! And I'm here to interrogate you!... Is that how it goes?" Ash says. "Pika! (Ugh!)" Pikachu says while facepalming. "You're actually supposed to knock her out cold then interrogate her... but this'll do nicely. Okay now I gotta tell you to do something crazy...

Join Team Magma as an undercover agent." Arceus says to both Ash and Pikachu. "Okay! I guess... Alright listen here you! I... want to join Team Magma." Ash says.

"Really? Well then you could've said that straight up to me. Instead of tying me up, cutie." Courtney says while winking. "Pika... (Wait for it...)" Pikachu says. "Oh then sorry, where can I sign up?" Ash says while letting her go. "Pika! Pika? Pikachu. (There! See that? He is so DENSE." Pikachu says facepalming. "I completely understand Pikachu." Arceus says. "Pika. (Thank you.)" Pikachu says.

"You can sign up If you follow me to Maxie's base." Courtney says winking at Ash trying to make him fall over her. Obviously it doesn't work. "Sure!" Ash says while Pikachu is facepalming on his shoulder.

Pikachu hears a thunk. "Pikachu! Pika? (Woah! What happened?)" Pikachu says. "Sorry I tried to facepalm like you were doing, but sadly my arms are too long, so I... palmed my face with a knee." Arceus says while sweat dropping. "Pika... Pika (Well... At least you tried)"

"Don't you look kinda familiar to a person that stopped Maxie before?" Courtney says. "Huh?"

"I mean my boss told me that a boy with a Pikachu on his shoulder stopped him once and be aware of him in Pokemon battles. You look exactly like him..." Courtney says. "Err... What do you mean? News spreaded out that he died. Besides I like having a Pikachu on my shoulder." Ash says. "I know that in all, our boss told us, but he died mysteriously than anyone does. He faded like he was slowly teleported somewhere..." Courtney says.

With Arceus...

"Lord Arceus sir." ??? says. "Explain your question, Latias." Arceus says. "When will you revive my brother, Latios?" Latias says. "Until my commander is finished with his mission." Arceus says. "Hmm? Commander?" Latias says. Arceus sighs, "Ash, Ash Ketchum. Commander of his own Pokemon." Arceus says. "What? Ash is alive? Then about my brother..." Latias says. "Ash will help you, but first his mission, then his other one... then yours." Arceus says. "Oh okay..." Latias says. "You are dismissed." Arceus says. Latias nods.

Back to Ash...

Ash walks on the road with Courtney holding his left arm. Ash was so dense that he was too busy petting pikachu on his right shoulder. However someone is following them.

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