Chapter 2 - Encountering Foes

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company)
Ash was headed for the nearby forest known as Viridian Forest his first route to Pewter City.
"Ah! It's nice to smell the nice breeze right buddy?" Ash says to Pikachu. "Pika! (You got that right!)" Pikachu replied. "Arceus! Can you tell me if I am getting closer?" Ash says. "Yes I can, you are getting to the point where you'll find a threat known as Team Rocket." Arceus says to Ash. "Hey! Get back here!" A Rocket grunt says in the distance carrying a net. "Mew! (Help!)" Mew yells in the distance. "Haf... Haf... It's quite fast don't you think?" Another Rocket grunt says. "Are you kidding me?! You sound like you want to give up!" Rocket grunt 1 says.
"Are you two done?" Ash says annoyed seeing the red R on the shirt. "Hey who are you? You looking for trouble?" Rocket grunt 1 says. "Well kinda if you are going to catch this Mew here." Ash said. "Well prepare for troubl..." Rocket grunt 2 says before getting cut off by Ash. "Bla bla... Get a move on already!" Ash said clearly annoyed So was the Rocket grunt 2.
"How dare you ignore the Jessie and James motto! I kinda actually miss them..." Rocket grunt 2 says looking down. "What? You miss them? Actually I don't think the boss is very happy that they haven't found any useful information in Alola yet..." Rocket grunt 1 says. "Yeah... Whatever! Go Golbat!" Rocket grunt 2 says while throwing a pokeball revealing Golbat. "Seriously?" Rocket Grunt 1 says. "What? It's the only one I had." Rocket grunt 2 says glaring at Rocket grunt 1. "Whatever, Rhydon lets go!" Rocket grunt 1 says.
"Pikachu quick use Quick Attack!" Ash says. Pikachu listened and charged at Golbat with Quick Attack. It landed knocking Golbat back into a tree. "Golbat! Get in there with Leech Life!" Rocket grunt 1 says. "Back him up with Surf!" Rocket grunt 2 says. Rhydon supported Golbat with surf. "Pikachu wait for it!" Ash said. Pikachu waited. "Now! Pikachu dodge by jumping on Golbat and hopping over the Surf." Ash says. Pikachu listened and jumped on top of Golbat as it dived down fir a Leech Life then jumped over Rhydon and the Surf. Golbat was pushed down by Pikachu jumping off of Golbat's back into the ground while Surf smashed into Golbat Making it unconscious. "What the?" Rocket Grunt 1 says. "Hate to admit it... But I have a feeling that our butts are about to be kicked..." Rocket Grunt 2 says not confident while returning Golbat. "Shut it we're doing fine!" Rocket Grunt 1 says. "Pikachu this is our chance! Use Quick Attack and Iron tail combination!" Ash says. Pikachu listened and charged towards Rhydon with the combination so fast that Rocket Grunt 1 didn't have enough time to react. The attack landed bullseye on Rhydons' head that Rhydon fell on the floor unconscious. "Ah no Rhydon!" Rocket grunt 1 says returning Rhydon. "You got lucky kid! But next time you will regret this!" Rocket grunt 1 says fleeing away. "Yeah! We'll beat you next time we neet!" Rocket grunt 2 says fleeing with the 1 grunt. "Take care!" Ash says waving at them. "Mew! (Thank you!)" Mew squeals happily while blushing. "I went here to help you out Mew, however I don't know what to do next..." Ash says.

In Alola...

Jessie and the trio were headed to the Pokemon school the trio didn't hear that the twerp known as Ash had died
As well as Pikachu. The trio made it to the Pokemon school being greeted by an angry strong fire type trainer known as Kiawe. "Prepare for trouble??? What is with that look! It's scaring me..." Jessie says a little frightened. "Get out of here before you regret it." Kiawe says coldly. "Wait! First! Where is the Twerp I mean the Twerp with the Pikachu on his shoulder?" Meowth says pointing at Kiawe. "He's gone... forever gone..." Kiawe said with a little tear down his eye. "What? You mean he went back to Kanto?" James said. "No he is gone so is Pikachu that you've been chasing after." Kiawe says. "W-Wait... You mean that..." Jessie says before getting interrupted by Kiawe with a, "HE'S DEAD AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" Kiawe says with tears down his eyes. The Rocket Trios heard this and felt something in their hearts... Sorrow.
The Rocket Trios gathered up around them to start a conversation. "If I heard them correctly they said that the same old Twerp is dead so is Pikachu. Then what are we going to do? We always chase that kid around a lot, but since he is dead we have to focus on our mission in Alola." Jessie says. "I know, but I have to admit I'm gonna miss the Twerp and his Pikachu." James says. "Whatever! We have to catch new Pokemon in this region!" Meowth says. "Yeah!" The trio says together. "Are you done yet?" Kiawe says. "Yep! Let's go Mimikyu!" Jessie says tossing a Pokeball revealing Mimikyu. "Kyu! (Where's that chump, he is so ******* dead when I see him.)" Mimikyu says referring he as Pikachu. "Whoa! This is a kids show Mimikyu!" Meowth says knowing what he said. "Turtonator let's give them a lesson to learn." Kiawe says tossing a Pokeball revealing Turtonator. "Turt! Nate! (Get lost you Trios, you'll regret fighting me.)" Turtonator says feeling the same pain as Kiawe. The battle raged on.

In a room where Arceus is at with Rayquaza

"Lord Arceus! Reporting for duty in the Hoenn region!" Rayquaza says. "Do you have a report?" Arceus says. "Yes sir! Currently everything is fine! Except for Groudon and Kyogre, they're fighting again, but the problem is that they were captured by Team Aqua and Team Magma! Again..." Rayquaza says while sighing "Okay so anything else?" Arceus says while sighing to Groudon and Kyogre. "Yeah... Have you seen Jirachi anywhere?" Rayquaza says. Arceus sighs while saying, "Humans these days... Trying to catch us..." Rayquaza was shocked knowing what might happen to Jirachi. "Jirachi may have been taken by these humans and may want his power to grant wishes! Curse those fooligans!" Rayquaza says to himself while fuming his anger at no one. "Relax Rayquaza, I know a human that can help..." Arceus says. "What!?! You trust humans!?!" Rayquaza says shocked. "Not all of them, one of them." Arceus says. "Who?" Rayquaza says. "He goes by the name of Ash Ketchum, he was a fellow trainer that helped me in the past... and then I realized that he changed the past. I still owe him though. So I gave him a second chance." Arceus says. "Let me guess... You promised him to give him a second chance and in return he helps you? How could he help you?" Rayquaza says. "Easy, bravely standing up against the problem and dealing with it." Arceus says. "And what about his Pokemon?" Rayquaza says. "He'll have to get his own, I provided him equipment from a bag." Arceus says.

"Hey dada!" ??? says in the distance. "Hmm??? Oh hello there Manaphy." Arceus says. "Dada? Where is uncle Kyogre?" Manaphy says worried. "O-oh he is in a lot of trouble at the moment so he'd be fine..." Arceus says. "Dada, I really hope he is fine..." Manaphy says.

(And done! How'd you like it? Comment below.)

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