Chapter 21 - Becoming Superstars

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(I don't own Pokemon and It's Company, also Gamefreak)

Hours later after editing a few parts...

Ash and Luke stood up quite a long time it was 11:00 pm. Ash yawns, "I'm feeling a little tired. I'ma go to sleep..." Ash said while laying on a couch nearby. "I just gotta finish one more...." Luke said before falling asleep, "Sequence..." Luke said dozing off.

In the morning

Ash woke up finding Luke awake petting Zorua that was sleeping and drowsy while editing a few more sequences. "Hello there you awake?" Luke said. "Yeah... you done?" Ash said. "Yup, just gotta finish the movie, the last scene is when you got your award." Luke said. "That's great!" Ash replied.

Just a few moments later...

Luke ordered a Coffee at a nearby store as he finally finishes the movie. "And done! I can't believe I did it! It was all because of you, you helped me a lot Alpha! You're definitely one of the most best people in the world!" Luke said. "Thanks, don't mention it." Ash said. "I'll call my boss and tell him if I have anymore missions today." Ash said going outside.

Ash walks outside and called out, "Arc! You there? Answer me if you got anymore missions for me!" Ash said, but there was no response. "Oh sorry Ash! Just gotta help Mewtwo on a new experiment he has been testing on the Rocket Grunt a few days ago." Arceus said. "Oh and there hasn't been any missions yet, I'll look into it when I have time, a small break for today." Arceus explained. "Great!" Ash said.

Ash went back inside, "So Alpha... Where are you headed now?" Luke said. "Oh my boss told me that he had run into a couple of his troubles and I have an extra day off." Ash lied, "That's nice, because there are a couple of people that want to meet you as they watch the movie I made with you, they might want your autograph." Luke explained. Zorua woke up and spoke in her language towards Luke.

"Hmm? You want to change into his character?" Luke said. Zorua happily cheers, "Okay go for it!" Luke said. Zorua jumps and changed into Ash, it didn't work out well as she turned into what he was still wearing, she tried to take off the cloak, but wouldn't work as she doesn't know the face of the person.

"Strange... Why do you wear a cloak Alpha? You don't have to be shy." Luke said. "Oh sorry about that it's just that agents of the police, have to keep themselves composed and not reveal our faces to anyone. More likely hidden." Ash lied, but he took the bait. "Alright I see... but I don't see why you shouldn't hide it when you have a vacation." Luke asked. "Like I said, must not reveal ourselves to anyone, can't trust them if you know them." Ash said. "Do you know me? How did you trust me?" Luke said.

"Because... I see the trust in you with your Pokemon." Ash lied. "Okay, but how?" Luke said. "You were one of the best directors in Pokestar Studios." Ash said. "So I'm quite famous for being a director of one movie?" Luke said. "Make that two if this one gets popular." Ash corrected. Luke just nodded.

Time skip to the theater...

Ash and Luke was in the theater standing up while watching the movie while other were too. "So Alpha... Where are you off too next?" Luke said trying to strike up a conversation. "Well... that depends on my next mission my boss gives me." Ash said. "Okay, then which region do you live at?" Luke asked.

"Sinnoh." Ash simply answered. "What was your starter?" Luke asked. "Mine was Pikachu, I befriended him so I asked Professor Rowan if I can get Pikachu as my first." Ash made up. "That's cool where is he?" Luke asked. Pikachu peeked out of the bag. "Oh..." Luke said looking at Pikachu.

After the movie...

"Oh man that was awesome! That was a great movie!" A person said. "Yeah! I can't believe it was all real!" Another person said. "Wow! There's the guy! Can I have your autograph?" A person said. "Me too!" A couple of other people said. "Uh... Sure?" Ash said taking autographs.

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