Chapter 28 - Saving a DID (Diancie In Distress)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash and Calem got through the forest, but Ash and Calem looked like they gone through hell or something like that. "Ugh, how annoying..." Calem said. "You got that right..." Ash agreed.


Ash and Calem went by a couple of Pokemon in the forest with Diancie escorting them. Machamp didn't want to pick a fight with them because it'll start a riot. "Toxicroak! (Y-you wanna go on a date?)" Toxicroak said holding flowers, sadly they died.

"Aw... You're too nice! But I need to go somewhere!" Diancie said. Toxicroak's heart broke when hearing this, he tear dropped and sat on the floor near a tree looking sad. Several Pokemon did this and annoyed Ash and Calem.

"Ugh, anymore contestants?!" Calem said. "Umbreon! (Me! Me!)" Umbreon said and approached Diancie. "Umbre Umbreon (Girl you drive me crazy, you so beautiful that you are the diamonds in the sky... Literally.)" Umbreon said holding Diancie's hand. Diancie blushed a little.

Umbreon got a response of a Karate Chop on the head. "Machamp. (Oh shut up.)" Machamp said. "Uh-Umbreon... (I-I guess I deserved that...)" Umbreon said falling on the floor fainted.

A couple more afterwards, like the most of the forest, tried to flirt with her.

Back to the present...

Ash and Calem made it to the place, "Here we are!" Ash said looking at the plains with the flowers blooming, and the lake to the side where a few water Pokemon was swimming having a good time, but not for long...

"Wooper! (Intruder!)" Wooper said quickly warning the others. All of the Pokemon in the area ran away and glanced at the trainers Ash and Calem with looks of disgust as they don't look like the nicest Pokemon to Humans.

Suddenly whoosh noises of clouds of smoke appear to cover the area. "Who dares intrude here?!" ??? said coming out of a mist created by the Pokemon. "Hello! It's me Alpha and this is Calem." Ash said. "Hmm? Okay, false alarm!" ??? said blowing the smoke away, the Pokemon came out and had smiles on their faces.

The Smoke was blown away revealing a big Pokemon that had a grumpy look on his face and mostly red colored and yellow. "Hello there Alpha, Arc told me about it, we're happy to help other Pokemon, right Magearna?" ??? said with a small smile, which is his brightest.

Robotic noises came out as no one could understand, only Pokemon, "Yes, welcome Diancie!" Arceus translated Magearna. "Anyways, I'm Volcanion, Alpha you're fine, but you Calem, you need to take a test... of trustworthiness, the other Pokemon don't trust you, so make new friends." Volcanion said.

"Why me not Alpha?" Calem asked. "Well... he and I are old friends." Volcanion lied. "You've been to Kalos before?" Calem asked Ash. "Well this is my first time here, I met Volcanion in Sinnoh, he flew there once looking for berries." Ash explained in a lie.

"Oh... I guess that makes sense... but you gotta stop that. You make yourself look like a friend of every Pokemon and then start surprising me with things." Calem said. "Sorry if I can't, when you ask a question, there has to be an answer, want me to stop answering you?" Ash asked. "No, but don't make me overreact with those stories. They all seem true." Calem said.

"I sincerely apologize." Ash simply said. "Just get on with it and go make friends!" Volcanion said getting annoyed while pushing Calem to the other Pokemon. There was a Bidoof, Eevee, Rattata, Zigzagoon, Caterpie, Spewpa, Bunnelby, Sandile, Azurill, the Wooper from earlier, Pichu, Kirlia, Skitty, Swalot, Oddish, Sentret, and a Floette, they all look very angry at Calem.

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