Chapter 19 - Boarding The Storm (Part 2)

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(I don't own Pokemon and It's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was sledding down the snow hill with Luke behind him getting good footage. 

"Let's go! We need to take shelter!" Ash said. "Lucar! (Alright!)" Lucario only said because in a movie, telepathy doesn't work during the scene.

"And cut! That was great!" Luke said, but after he finished his sentence there was a sound of rolling snow behind Ash and Luke. Both take a turn around so did Lucario too while Luke is currently still aiming at Alpha with the camera. Both saw that an avalanche was currently on them. Terrified looks were on both of their faces so was lucario.

"Action!" Luke said rolling the film. "Uh oh! We gotta hurry faster now!" Ash said with a terrified look on his face as he boosted off. "This must be the disaster Absol sensed." Ash thought to himself. "Heh... An absol lives up to his name." Lucario said to himself.

Ash looked in front of him as he passes by a few trees that he almost crashed into, "That was scary, one hit, we're dead; game over!" Ash thought in his head, Lucario read his thoughts. "Don't worry! Just focus ahead! I'll help you!" Lucario said.

Ash focused as Lucario called out lefts and rights. "Umm.... What about that?" Ash said pointing at a ravine. Luke looks over to the ravine and gulps as he still records. "This is it! Game over!" Ash thought to himself as his heartbeats.

Lucario senses his trainers thoughts and looks around for a way out, luckily Lucario sees a small snow ramp across the ravine to a safer area. "Over there!" Lucario said as he pointed his arm to the ramp. Luke pointed the camera towards them and followed them as he didn't want to end up down there.

Ash turned the sled towards the ramp to take off. "Here we go!!!" Ash said to Lucario as they jumped off with Luke following behind jumping off with them. Over the ravine and there they go.

The leap of faith...

"Hurrah!" Ash said as he crashed into the floor of the other side and stopped on his tracks as they made it to the other side then turned to see the avalanche fall into the ravine.

Luke turned the camera to look at the avalanche scarily fall into the ravine, he pointed the camera to the snow that fell into the ravine and it crashed on several spikes at the bottom. "That was close." Ash said. "Indeed it was, very close." Lucario replied.

"Let's take shelter from the storm, it's getting worse..." Ash said pointing at the nearest cave nearby. "Oh Ash! That's a great spot, in there they built their base in there, you're heading towards the right direction." Arceus said. "Oh also don't answer to me, you'll be giving too much suspicion." Arceus mentioned.

"That's a great idea Alpha." Lucario said, not knowing Alpha's real name. "Anyways let's get going!" Ash said. And so on they went into the cave...

Ash took a good look around to see if the cave is safe to stay in, Ash then brought out a couple of sticks from the bag and placed them on the floor nearby a couple of rocks Lucario gathered. "Come on out Eevee!" Ash said throwing a Pokeball out in the air. "Eevee!" "Alright!" Arceus translated.

Ash picks a piece of flint off the floor and held it out above the sticks, "Okay Eevee now use Iron Tail on the flint." Ash said. Eevee used Iron Tail to swipe against the flint to create a small spark.

Sparks flew a few times before the sticks lit up in small flames as it slowly grows. "Ahh...." Ash exhaled as he felt the warm sensation of a fire. Luke stopped recording, "And Cut! That was amazing! Amazing climax of an avalanche perfectly timed!" Luke said putting down the camera.

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