Chapter 12 - MISSION OBJECTIVE: Rescue and Release

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

With Arceus

Arceus was in the Hall of Origin, he was looking through a lake called The Lake of Observation. This lake has the ability to allow Arceus to view any Pokemon problems happening in the world through the reflection.

Now let us see what Arceus is seeing...

Arceus is spying on a mysterious boat, inside the boat Arceus sees caged Pokemon in desperate need for help, Arceus is furious for such a horrible thing for Humans to do against Pokemon, selling them for money, Humans most likely do that sort of thing, torturing, poaching, and selling Pokemon on the internet, mostly interested in money.

Forgetting to mention, Arceus spotted some people in clothes with a capital R that is color red. Arceus found a perfect mission for Ash to do.

Back to Ash...

Ash was napping during his time off, it has been a long day for Ash. "Hey Ash!" Arceus said while waking up Ash in the process. Ash had at least 2 hours of rest. Ash yawns, "What is it? Can't I have a nap?" Ash said. "Sorry Ash this is important, but I found your next Mission. However you need to do this mission now ASAP!" Arceus said.

"I don't think I can do this mission if I'm too exhausted..." Ash says in a tired tone. "Oops sorry, I was thinking too much about others instead of you, so sorry." Arceus said. "It's okay, is there a way I can get my energy back?" Ash said.

"Yeah I'll send you something just wait for a couple of seconds..." Arceus said. "Hrmf... Okay..." Ash said.

A cup of coffee appeared right by Ash, "Err... Arceus? I don't think I'm old enough to drink this..." Ash said. "What? You're just 14! You should've been drinking it since you were 10." Arceus said. "Oh fine... but... This is a large cup..." Ash said. "Oh you'll be fine... I hope." Arceus said. "You hope huh? I hope your calculations are right." Ash said not confident.

Ash takes a sip of the coffee, it tastes very sweet, too much caffeine Arceus, too much Caffeine. Ash begins to feel super energized. "May have put too much coffee in your cup. Hey! God's don't know how to make coffee! But heard of it before." Arceus said. "But if my calculations are correct Ash will be on very high caffeine..." Arceus explained.

Ash paused for a moment. Ash looks at his compass, it points to the ocean.




"WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!" Ash said totally high in caffeine, then runs off towards the water in high speed. Ash begins to run on water... Just like that Bewear.

"Better wish him luck, I bet Pikachu is having a wild ride hehe." Arceus said while chuckling a little. "PIKA!!! (SLOW DOWN! ARCEUS WHY YOU DO THIS!!!)" Pikachu said.

"This could be a problem, he may stop at some point and drown in the Ocean, Oh boy what do I do... What in the name of Magikarp?" Arceus said while peeking at the front of Ash seeing a whirlpool. "He's gonna get sucked in!" Arceus said.

"Hey Ash, turn around!" Arceus said. "WHEE!!!! WHAT?!" Ash said, "Uh oh... Too late..." Arceus said while he sees Ash get sucked into the whirlpool. "WHA!!!!!" Ash said while getting sucked in.

Ash fell in the whirlpool, and collapsed from banging into a couple of rocks. Was this the end for Ash?

Well the answer is in the next paragraph.

After a couple of hours later... Ash wakes up to see Pikachu with him. Pikachu was fine, he collapsed too, but woke up first.

"Pika... Pika? (Hey... You okay man?)" Pikachu said. "Hey Pikachu... What happened? All a sudden we got sucked into a whirlpool, then next thing we're here..." Ash said. "Pika Pika! (Whatever, but you gotta see this!)" Pikachu said pointing over through the bushes.

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