Chapter 54 - Mantine Surfing

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was playing on the beach, every second he spends with Lillie... Gladion gets a little triggered. The others were watching a Water Balloon Volleyball game go on; Mallow and Sophocles, including Gladion.

"Don't touch her!" Gladion said. "Sorry." Ash said while accidentally high fiving Lillie for their win against Kiawe and Lana.

"We lost because of your ignorant attitude." Lana said while pouting. "I-I'm not ignorant!" Kiawe blurted out nervously. "C'mon! We lost? I can't believe this! I knew you two were a bad match up." Marowak said.

"It's not that bad. It's a fine match up, it's just that... you two need to work on your team work." Popplio said. Marowak crosses his arms grumpily and looks away. "I doubt that." Marowak said.

"Heh... sorry. I gotta go now, looks like it's getting dark. I really wanna get to Akala and ask if I could take on a trial there." Ash said. "Oh, okay..." Lillie said while frowning slowly. "I'm guessing it's sad to see a friend like me go away so soon?" Ash guessed.

"Y-yeah..." Mallow answered. "It's okay, I won't be gone too long, I'll visit soon." Ash said. "How are you going to get there faster?" Gladion said. "I know, because my boss told me." Ash said.


Ash was just watching a game of Water Balloon Volleyball go on. Mallow and Sophocles against Lillie and Gladion. Gladion totally took out the competition of 5 - 0.

"Hey Ash! There's a way to get to Akala faster!" Arceus said. "And that is...?" Ash responded. "Mantine Surfing, I'll there'll be an instructor to tell you what to do." Arceus said. "But don't you hate humans that use Pokemon?" Ash said.

"Yeah, but it's the quickest way, besides I can tell that Mantine really like surfing in Alola." Arceus explained. Ash was stopped for a moment of silence, "I guess that makes sense..." Ash said.


Ash was waving his hand bye to his friends as he left, he walked towards the closest port. Soon he finally made it, he paid for a Mantine. "Alright so I'll explain how Mantine Surfing works..." A guy said while explaining the rest inaudible.

"Understand?" The guy said. "Yep, got it all." Ash said with a thumbs up. "Alright, which Mantine will you take?" The guy asked while showing him all of the Mantine, there were 6 of them, all of them looked really confident except one.

"CHOOSE ME! I'M BORED!" Mantine shouted out. One of them was sad and scared. "I'll take... this little guy!" Ash said pointing towards the littlest Mantine. It was surprised, and scared. "Okay! Be careful, this guy has been through a lot." The guy said.

"Okay. Don't worry buddy, I believe you can do better than the rest, just gotta believe right?" Ash said to the little Mantine. "I-I don't know..." Mantine said shyly. "C'mon bud, try your best, try try again." Ash said. "O-okay..." Mantine said.


Ash and Mantine were out in the ocean already slowly approaching a wave. "Just do what you do! Don't worry if you fail, you could always try again." Ash said. "But aren't you steering him to the right direction?" Arceus said.

"I know, but he can control as well too Arc." Ash said. "Hmm, you make a good point, but you're in charge of him." Arceus said. "Okay." Ash said. "Who are you talking to?" Mantine asked. "Oh, my boss. He's very nice." Ash said.

"Okay.... So there's a wave, WHAT DO I DO?!" Mantine asked in a panic. "Don't worry, swim up the wave and move along with it." Ash explained. "O-okay." Mantine whispered to himself, Mantine moved towards the wave, it was big.

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