Chapter 51 - Z-crystal Collecting (Part 2)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

In the Tree of Beginning...

A shined light blocking the remains vanished revealing a unconscious body of Sir Aaron and Lucario. Pikachu watched as all of this happens, "Go for phase two, bring'em in." Arceus said. Mew hearing his words, she Teleported them somewhere else including herself and Pikachu.

In the Hall of Origin...

Arceus was patiently waiting for something to happen in the Hall of Origin. On time Mew arrived in the Hall of Origin, "Good job, now you can head back Mew, don't forget to bring Pikachu." Arceus said. Mew saluted and left using Teleport.

"Now..." Arceus said, while turning to his human form. "I've gotta make an introduction." Arceus said to himself. On time again, Lucario and Sir Aaron woke up like if they had a horrible nightmare.

Both was gasping from their nightmare. "That... That was horrible... What happened?" Sir Aaron asked. "I-I don't know master... wait... How are we alive?" Lucario said. "Hello there... Sir Aaron, and Lucario." Arceus said. Lucario backed up surprised and prepared to battle.

"Who are you? And where are we? Answer now!" Lucario shouted. Sir Aaron put a hand in front of Lucario stopping him. "He means no harm." Sir Aaron said. "Where are we?" Sir Aaron asked politely. "That I cannot ask, however you're here and you'll never speak of this place again," Arceus said.

Arceus in his human form; formed a portal to the outside world. "Leave this place; you've been restored back into your normal everyday lives. You'll not speak of this place and what has happened." Arceus said.

"Who are you and who resurrected us?" Sir Aaron asked in a pleasing manner. "I..." Arceus said while turning into his Pokemon form. "Am Arceus, the god of all Pokemon." Arceus said. "Did you revive us?" Sir Aaron asked.

"No, a special friend did it for you, Lucario may remember him." Arceus said. Sir Aaron nodded in understanding, he bowed and thanked him. Lucario was thinking about who this special friend was. "Now, Leave! If you dare speak of me or this place, you'll regret being alive!" Arceus shouted with force. Sir Aaron nodded and walked into the portal with Lucario by his side.

Back with Ash...

Ash woke up with a Pikachu falling on top of Ash and being shocked by Pikachu on accident. Ash glaring at Pikachu, while Pikachu was scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Heh... sorry." Pikachu said. Ash looked at the time, it was 6:50.

Ash sighed, "Fine, thanks for waking me up." Ash said while getting ready. "C'mon let's go." Ash said finished packing his things. Pikachu jumped into the bag. Ash cleaned up the guest room and slowly left the house without anybody noticing.


Ash was in the Pokemon Center, time: 7:00 am in the morning. "Wow you're up early? Want me to take your Pokemon for a check up?" Nurse Joy asked. "Sure, thanks Nurse Joy." Ash said. Ash waited in a cafe, he bought himself some Komala Coffee.

Ash yawned, "Man, I wanted to sleep a little more..." Ash said to himself. "You could've just went back to sleep." Arceus said. "But I'll miss the Grand Trial." Ash said. "True that, true that Ash." Arceus said.

"Question Arc. Are we friends?" Ash said. "That depends... on how much we've grown with each other, like your Pikachu for example." Arceus said. "But can you answer my question?" Ash asked. "Yes Ash, we are friends. But I'll still treat you like any other human." Arceus replied.

"Good to know," Ash said. "Mister Alpha, please come and get your Pokemon." Nurse Joy said through a microphone. "Well, gotta go, Grand Trial starts at 10:00 am in the morning." Ash said. "Hey Ash. Good luck." Arceus said. "Thanks." Ash replied.

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