Chapter 48 - Z-crystal Collecting (Part 1)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was in the classroom giving lessons about battling. "I'm sorta good at battling, even though I never lost, I still need to do better like the rest of you. Here's step one, be in sync with you and your Pokemon; strong bonds." Ash explained.

The students (Kiawe, Sophocles, Lana, Mallow and Lillie) took notes of these steps. "Step two, stay calm, so will your Pokemon; if you get too nervous, your Pokemon will get nervous too, you should stay calm and confident. It'll help you and your Pokemon." Ash explained.

The students once again took notes down. "And the final step. Don't give up til it's over! Try your very best, even if you lose, you got to experience something at least, not the lost or the win, but the appreciation of being a great opponent to your opponent." Ash said.

The students finally finished writing their notes down, Lillie raised her hand for a question. "Hmm? What is it Lillie? Got any questions?" Ash said. "I'm very nervous when it comes to battling. How do I stay calm in situations like battling?" Lillie asked.

"Don't fall for their intimidation, because that is what usually gets people off. Stand strong and fight against their intimidation." Ash explained. Lillie nodded, "Thanks." Lillie simply said. Kiawe raised his hand and stood up.

"Kiawe?" Ash said. "If I had a type disadvantage, how do I beat the opponent?" Kiawe asked. "Well for starters, it doesn't matter in type disadvantages; it only matters, what you do. Even if you lose, it's never your fault so don't blame yourself, your Pokemon won't like that." Ash said.

Kiawe understood then nodded and sat back down. "Anymore questions?" Ash asked. No one raised their hands, "Okay, and that's all that I have, oh! But one more note, Losers get stronger than the winners, winners get prizes." Ash said.

"Okay class! Everybody understood that?" Kukui said. They all nodded, "Yes/Yeah!" The class said. "Thank you Alpha for your explanation." Kukui said. "Sure, no problem." Ash said.

After class...

Class ended and everyone was dismissed from school. Ash was about to leave until... "Hey Alpha! I want a word with you..." Kukui said. Ash sweated and turned around. "Wh-what is it Mr. Kukui?" Ash said while sweating from nervousness, he thought he was found out.

"During your explanation... I saw that you had a Z-ring, how did you get that?" Kukui asked. "Oh this Z-ring? I bought it from a store, why you must ask?" Ash lied. The Z-ring Ash currently has is actually his. "That Z-ring looks like one of my students Z-ring." Kukui said.

"And what is that Z-crystal?" Kukui asked. "This Z-crystal? Glad you asked, I have no idea I recently got it from my boss." Ash explained in a lie. "That Z-crystal isn't a Psychium Z that's for sure, it does resemble a Pokemon too that I'm unfamiliar with, Rotom!" Kukui said.

Rotom came out from behind Kukui and floated towards Ash. "Bzzt! What is it sir?" Rotom asked. "Can you detect what Z-crystal this is?" Kukui said. "Bzzt! Sure thing!" Rotom said. Rotom floated near Ash's Z-ring and the crystal.

"Bzzt! Scanning, scanning!" Rotom said. "Ah! Found the data sir!" Rotom said happily, until he realized something. Rotom gasped in shock. "Bzzt! Error!" Rotom said while getting confused at this. "What is it Rotom?" Kukui said.

"Bzzt! This is no more than a special Z-crystal! Used by a special Pokemon!" Rotom said quickly. "What kind?" Kukui asked. "Bzzt! Mewnium Z!" Rotom blurted out. "Bzzt! I don't have any data on Mew yet sorry sir." Rotom said.

"It's okay Rotom, but Alpha! You got that from your boss?" Kukui said shocked. "Uh... Yeah?" Ash said while shrugging nervously. "That is beyond rare! Your boss must be really rich from discovering this Z-crystal!" Kukui said.

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