Chapter 61 - Making Friends

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was just waiting around, "Hey Alpha." ??? said joining him. "Hmm? Oh hello Arc." Ash said. "So let's go shall we?" Ash said. "Sure." Arceus said in his human form.


"What? So now you wanna make friends with humans now?" Ash said. "Yeah, I wanna change after my actions to my Pokemon friends." Arceus said.

"Okay here's the plan, you're going to help me make some friends." Arceus said. "Where though?" Ash asked. "Any region you like." Arceus said. "Kanto." Ash said. "Perfect. Let's meet up, just stay where you are." Arceus said. Ash nodded.

Back to present...

Ash was already at Kanto, Arceus Teleported him and himself there, "Isn't this..." Ash was about to say. "Yes Ash, this is the beginning of your Journey, we're going to go in there." Arceus said while pointing towards the door into Prof. Oak's lab.

Ash knocked on the door nervously. "It certainly has been kinda a while huh?" Ash asked Arceus. "Yeah, it has." Arceus said. The door opened, it was Gary, he was shocked when he gazed upon Arc and Alpha.

"Y-y-y-you guys are..." Gary said unbelievably shocked. "Yeah, yeah... we get it. Now hurry along." Arceus said. "Why are you here?" Gary said. "Well... actually, I was getting lonely, so I decided to go out and enjoy the fresh outside world right?" Arceus said.

"Um... okay, but that doesn't explain why you are here." Gary said. Ash nudges Arceus with his elbow weakly. "Right, right... I would like to be your friend Gary, but I cannot tell you my real name." Arceus said.

"So your name isn't Arc?" Gary said. "Well of course," Arceus said. "Well then, nice to meet you Arc. However, I can't really trust you yet, I'm a researcher, and I dislike Team Rocket, they plan on sneaking in this here lab and steal Pokemon of course." Gary explained.

"Tch, guess you're not the only one who has trust issues." Ash said while nudging Arceus with his elbow slightly, Ash got elbowed in the gut by Arceus which he fell down. "Tch, shuppet." Arceus said annoyed.

"Ha! Seems like you two are great friends." Gary said while looking at the two. Arceus glaring at Ash, while Ash still holding his gut. "Well, I think you and I are going to be great friends." Gary said.

"Look out for Team Rocket, they always plan to attack, haven't they changed already?" Gary said. "I don't think so." Arceus said. "Hey, it's getting late, wanna stay for the night?" Gary said while looking out the window.

"Sure, why not?" Arceus said. "Don't you mean, Wynaut?" Ash said chuckling while recovering from the elbow in the gut. Arceus literally Low Sweeped Ash. "Uff!" Ash said as he got dropped by Arceus.

"Ooo... That should hurt..." Gary said while flinching from the sight of that painful drop. "It's alright, I've been in worse." Ash said while glaring at Arceus. Arceus just shrugged, "Uh... you guys okay?" Gary said.

"Oh don't worry, we always like to annoy one another. So we don't get bored all the time." Ash said. "Yeah, grr..." Arceus said while growling at him. "C'mon guys don't get in a fight, the Pokemon in here don't like it." Gary said.

A Muk suddenly flows in here sadly and glances at them. Muk sighs, "I missed Ash..." Muk whispered quietly. "Ooo! Visitors!" Muk said while approaching them.

While arguing a Muk came out of nowhere and heavy slammed Ash and Arceus. Both struggled, "Ugh..." Ash and Arceus groaned while tiring out. "Oh, c'mon Muk! Don't drown your guests with your body!" Gary said.

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