Chapter 17 - A Cold Encounter

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

"So Ash... a few of Team Plasma's grunts escaped and formed a their Team again, but smaller. Their goal is to take Kyurem and freeze the cities of Unova with everyone in it, I only care about the Pokemon in the cities, this is why I'm stopping them." Arceus said. "Sadly Kyurem was caught by the few Grunts, They used a simple machine that saps away the power of a Pokemon and Kyurem was outnumbered by Tyranitars as they used Rock Tomb."

"Okay... So how do I beat them if they use that machine of theirs?" Ash asked. "Simple, Mewtwo has the solution. I'll tell you all about it later." Arceus answered. "Okay." Ash simply said.

Ash looks at his compass which appears to be pointing towards a mountain full of snow. "It should be kinda obvious that Kyurem would be in that direction." Arceus said. "Yeah... But their base is somewhere there?" Ash asked. "Yup." Arceus replied.

"What is the fastest possible way to get there?" Ash asked. "You could probably drive or ride a bike, either way you need to, I could not think of all the possible ways they would to do to Kyurem." Arceus said pleading for assistance. "Riding the bike it is..." Ash said pulling out a bike.

50 minutes later...

Ash got off the bike, but was freezing while approaching a town and it's sign. "Welcome to Undella Town!" The sign said. "Cool, literally" Ash said while shivering a little. "Sorry Ash, no Ice puns. Just pull out something cozy from the bag." Arceus said.

Ash nods and pulls out a Parka that would cover his face perfectly. "Just perfect." Ash said putting it on. "Head through the town and scale the mountain, by the way it's getting a little dark so sleep in a nearby Pokemon Center. See Ash? You do get it breaks, for now." Arceus said. "Thanks Arc, you do care about humans." Ash said sarcastically. "Not all of them, you and N particularly I trust." Arceus said.

Ash approaches the Pokemon Center in Undella Town. "Hello, welcome to the Pokemon Center! How may we help you?" Nurse Joy said. "I'll take a room." Ash said. "Oh sorry we have too many customers in all of the rooms in this Pokemon Center so you'll have to share a room with someone, just don't try anything bad okay?" Nurse Joy said in a serious tone. "Sure! Which room?" Ash asked. "Room 5, remember, I'm watching." Nurse Joy said gesturing a 'I'm always watching' with her hands. Ash's spine shivered a little.

Ash walks to a small hall finding the room. "Huh... Room 5... just who am I sleeping with?" Ash said to himself. Ash opens the door walking in, he hears someone showering. Ash peeks around the room. There was a purse sitting on the floor, while the shower was on. There was a window in the room, two chairs, shared one bed (oh boy), nightstand with an object on top of it that looks like a candy wrapper (but it's not), and a lamp.

"Wow..." Ash said glancing at the room. The shower stops and Ash could hear humming. "Uh... the person in there... I came to tell you that I'm gonna be sharing a room with you." Ash said. "Huh?" A feminine voice spoke. "I should tell you that my name is Alpha Kestcrow, mind if you tell me your name?" Ash said in a polite manner.

Arceus telepathically whistles, "Ash you are a lucky man, I can tell this woman is very much your type." Arceus teased. It wasn't very effective, "What kind of type?" Ash whispered. "More like a shy type of woman." Arceus said. "Oh, I thought you meant like Pokemon, kinda like Ice types for example." Ash whispered with a smile.

In the Hall of Origin...

Arceus cut off connection to Ash, "GOD who is me... IS HE SO DENSE. I OUGHTA TO USE FULL JUDGEMENT TO SEND HIS LIFE TO A HAREM!" Arceus yelled in the Hall of Origin. "Actually... that's a good idea..." Arceus whispered to himself. "Is anything wrong Arceus?" ??? said. "Oh nothing Mewtwo. How is your new test subject?" Arceus said.

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