Chapter 56 - Dash and Deliver

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was inside the Pokemon Center, he bought a sandwich in a nearby restaurant. Ash was licking his lips waiting to bite into the sandwich. "Hey you there." ??? said while approaching Ash.

This guy, well he looked about Ash's age. He had orange hair that was long like N's, he also had weird things on his shoulders that made him look like a warrior. He wore a sky blue sweater with cargo pants and dark blue looking shoes.

"You're Alpha aren't you?" ??? said. "Um, yeah why?" Ash said. "I'm gonna need your help, can you do the job?" ??? said. "What is it about?" Ash asked. "It's easier if I give this to you." ??? said while handing him a note.

"Gotta go!" ??? said as he turned back, left and away with hands in his pockets. "Hmm? What was that about?" Ash said, he turned to look at the note, it was folded so he opened it. What he saw surprised him.

The note said, "Sorry Alpha, I'm here to give you a note to explain that Arc is very busy now, he's learning about music. So I came here to you know, to give you this note, you're on your own. Arc signed me to inform you about this next mission."

The note explained the rest telling Ash something important. "Hmm... seems simple." Ash said to himself. Ash headed off, out of the Pokemon Center door; looking around he found a perfect spot where no one can see him, there was a small box on the floor.

Ash spoke something inaudible, a portal opened up, Ash went through as it appeared. The portal shutted immediately. Inside the box something was struggling to get out, it opened.

There lay a small and adorable Vulpix, not an Alola form. She cried out for someone. No one came or heard her.


Ash arrived in a huge desert in the worst timing, there was a sandstorm! "Just a few run of the mills here and there." Ash said as he struggled to get through the desert, he realized something, Ash pulled out Safety Goggles and wore them. Pikachu was safe in the bag.

Clearly seeing better, Ash looked around to find a small underground cave. "I think I made it." Ash said, he headed over there. Ash walked in the soundless cave until he heard some fire cracking from the campfire set up in the cave.

There was two people there. Ash approached them. Alarmed by noticing Ash, they backed up, "Who are you?" ??? said. Ash already recognized both of them by the looks of them. "I'm Alpha, nice to meet you," Ash said.

"Why are you here?" ??? said. "I'm here to give you this," Ash said as he handed them a package, that marked Arceus' golden arc as a stamp on it. "What is this?" ??? said. "You'll find out, Cedric Juniper and Nanette." Ash said as he left both of them, and jumped through a portal behind a rock.

Both Juniper and Nanette tried to catch up to Alpha, but he disappeared. "Where'd he go?" Nanette said. "I don't know, but... what is this?" Juniper said as he opened the package.

The package contained safety goggles and several water bottles. Both were shocked, just what they needed to get through the sandstorm outside.


Ash had just arrived in a small palace once again, but it was different. Ash looked at the package, it was for a special person in this palace... In Sinnoh. "Just what I should've suspected! INTRUDER!" A guard said.

"Wait! Mind doing me a favor?" Ash said. "C'mon guys get-em!" Another guard said. Ash started running through the palace, "Royalty like no other! Sorry for trespassing!" Ash said as he got out of the palace.

In a small room, there laid a beautiful but familiar woman. "Princess! An intruder has suspiciously appeared to kidnap you!" A butler informed her. "Have this prisoner done anything wrong?" ??? said.

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