Chapter 73 - Time at Kalos w/ Arc (Part 2)

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(I don't own Pokemon or it's Company, also GameFreak)

Here we are, we see Ash at the Pokemon Center with everyone, Clembot also was with them. "Here are your Pokemon!" Nurse Joy said. "Thanks Nurse Joy!" Ash said. "Thank you very much my lady." Clembot said with a proper pose. Ash sweat dropped aside.

"Oh, you welcome..." Nurse Joy said while blushing. "Did he program his robot to flirt?" Arceus said to himself. "What did you say Arc?" Ash said confused. "Nothing important at all..." Arceus said. "Humans are weirder than I thought." Arceus thought to himself.

"Anyways, where are you headed Alpha?" Clembot said. "I don't really know myself, I'm here to hang out with these guys." Ash said. "Really? That sounds fun, I need to go tend the gym, some trainers either want a rematch or a battle." Clembot said.

"Okay bye!" Ash said waving to Clembot, Clembot responded by turning around and waving to Ash then turned around to see what is in front of him. "So are you done?" Victini said. "Yeah, I think." Ash said.

"Jeez, I didn't know that battles took that long..." Victini said. "It takes more then fighting than taking care of your Pokemon you own currently." Ash said. "The In-door skating rink opens now," Reshiram said, he looked at the clock inside the Pokemon Center, it was 12 o'clock.

"Okay, let's go let's go!" Victini said excitingly. "Why are you so hyped?" Mewtwo said. "I want to see this little guy here go Ice Skating!" Victini said. "I don't think that's a good idea." Jolt said hiding behind Mewtwo.

"Oh I was wondering where you were." Mewtwo said. "Oh hi there Jolteon!" Ash said, "I don't think we have actually met that much," Ash said. "Yeah I know by the way, call me Jolt." Jolt said. "Oh okay Jolt." Ash said.

"So I've been thinking of releasing you and the other Pokemon I caught besides you because, it was too easy, I didn't feel like I earned it," Ash explained. "Please don't release me, I think I'm getting used to this new life." Jolt said.

"You are?" Ash said confused, "Yeah, I am." Jolt said. "Hey Mewt, can you bring out the others I want to talk to them too." Ash said. "Uh, no need! I believe they heard you!" Mewtwo said. "C'mon what's so bad about having some Pokemon out? I do it all the time." Ash said.

"It's way worse than you think." Mewtwo said. "Is it?" Ash said. "Yes, it's so bad that you kind of want to you know... keep them in there." Mewtwo explained shortly. "Well can I just see one?" Ash said.

Mewtwo idea comes to mind, Mewtwo turned towards Jolt, and smirked secretly. Jolt got a bad feeling about this one. "Sure." Mewtwo said while chuckling to himself. Mewtwo pulled out the Pokeball and summoned someone.

While the light is being cleared, It showed Umbra. "Ahh~ it feels so relaxing getting out of that thing, oh are we doing this thing again?" Umbra said. "Yes," Mewtwo said. "Yes! Now some more alone time with shy guy Jolt here..." Umbra said purring against him.

Jolt backed up. "Personal space please." Jolt said. "See Mewt? It wasn't so bad," Ash said. "I still don't understand why you are calm." Mewtwo said. "Pokemon all need to get along, is that not right?" Ash said. "Same with People as well." Ash said.

Everyone who heard that will remember that quote...

"Is that right Jolt? You need to get along with some new friends. Like the ones you have there." Ash said with a smile. Jolt smiles back, but with some sarcasm as he is not feeling fine about this idea. "C'mon before the line packs up!" Victini said. "Oh, whoops. Let's go!" Ash said.


Ash and the crew, arrived at the scene of an ice skating rink. "I don't think I've been to one of these, but I do realize how hard it was to stand on such a slippery floor." Ash said. "Woo hoo! Good job Surskit!" ??? said.

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