Chapter 50 - Explore and Detour

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash arrived in a shocked Police department all of the police officers were shocked. "I-I-I... Have no words..." A Police officer said. "Me too, this is cool, totally posting this to Chatot." The Police officer said while bringing out a phone.

"Here Officer Jenny, the stolen Honey, you can take it back to the Combee." Ash said. "O-oh... thanks..." Officer Jenny said. "I've gotta go now, I'm wasting too much time!" Ash said while running off back into the car.

Gardevoir drove off leaving the shocked officers in the dust. "Th-that just happened... okay..." Officer Jenny said while shocked.

"I guess we can leave this here. Don't think we'll need it, return!" Ash said while returning Gardevoir. Ash ran off and left the car in a no parking zone.


Ash arrived where he found the desperate Combee. "Sorry! I took too long, so I gave the stolen Honey to Officer Jenny, and she'll deliver some of the stolen honey back to you; can I have some honey now?" Ash said while panting.

"Um... sure, you look bent out of shape." Combee said. Ash grabbed a bottle from the bag, "I'll need at least 3 bottles will be okay, these are big enough." Ash said while following the Combee.


Ash packed away the three bottles of Honey, "Thanks Combee, you're the best!" Ash said waving towards Combee. "You're very welcome here!" Combee said waving back somehow. Ash jumped through a ring that appeared below him.

Ash immediately arrived in Alola, also in a restaurant. Ash flew sideways in the restaurant sliding down on the floor of the restaurant holding the bottles of Honey. Ash brought some attention and got up dizzy.

"I should stop doing that. It hurts my head urgh..." Ash groaned in pain as he was holding his head. "Alpha!" Mallow said while helping him up holding his shoulder. "I got the Honey as you promised, don't thank me as well, what are friends for?" Ash said.

"But we've just met." Abe said while joining with Mallow to her side with an ice pack he handed to Ash. Ash took it and held it on his head. "I think you're getting sick." Abe said. "I think you're right, I've had enough though... Wait! I forgot to do something!" Ash screamed in panic.

Ash ran out of the restaurant leaving the bottles of Honey behind for Mallow and her father. "How nice of him to help us! We should be glad right?" Abe said looking at Mallow. "Yeah, yeah... He's really sweet." Mallow said whispering to herself.

Later again...

Ash arrived outside on the beach, "I've finished all of my work am I done?" Ash asked. "You did good, you almost died, but get some rest, you've been through a lot." Arceus said. "Thanks. I deserved it." Ash said.

Ash took out the Pokeball and released it which contained Roserade. She felt the shivering cold still. "Roserade, it's okay now, everything is okay. And I'm okay, you're too." Ash said. "I-is it?" Roserade said. "Yup." Ash said.

Roserade hugged Ash, "Thank you!" Roserade said. "Sorry for catching you. It was the only way to keep you safe." Ash said. "Oh, it's okay..." Roserade said. "Would you like to join me?" Ash asked. "Sure!" Roserade said while jumping high in joy.

"Alpha is my name." Ash lied. "Okay, master Alpha!" Roserade said. "Alpha's just fine for me." Ash said. "Okay, master Alpha." Roserade said. Ash just ignored it, "Okay... Roserade return!" Ash said returning Roserade into her Pokeball.

Ash sat down on the sand, "I guess I gotta start a fire..." Ash said to himself. "Or you could just come by and join us!" ??? said while approaching Ash. Ash looked over and saw Sophocles. "Oh hey Sophocles, how are you?" Ash said.

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