Chapter 9 - Soaring to Sinnoh

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company also Gamefreak)

Ash was headed for Sinnoh, but why was Jirachi in Sinnoh? And How is Ash supposed to reach there fast?

Ash slept through the night in Altomare below a bridge. And now he wonders what to do...

"Hey Arceus? You there?" Ash says. "Yes Ash I'm here, what's wrong?" Arceus says. "Nothing is wrong, but I want to know a way to get to Sinnoh faster. Can you help me?" Ash says. "Sinnoh is quite far, so the best way is flying above it, while searching below through the skies." Arceus says.

"But how am I gonna do that?" Ash says. "I have a great plan so follow my lead..." Arceus says.

"Got it?" Arceus says. "Yep! But it's quite crazy..." Ash says. "Ready?" Arceus says. Ash pulls out something from his bag.

"Yeah!" Ash says preparing a...


Whatever, "Wingull Squad, Peliper Squad you there?" Arceus says. "Pel! Peliper! (We have arrived! At your commands Sir!)" Peliper says. "Wing! (We won't let you down!)" Wingull says.

"Proceed!" Arceus says. Peliper and Wingull began to use Gust to create a gust of wind to blow a single direction towards Sinnoh.

"Ash, go for it!" Arceus says. "Alright! Rah!!!" Ash says as he took off running towards the docks with the glider at hand.

Ash ran and ran then jumped to get a boost from the Gust that was helping him fly across the Ocean with a glider.

"Peliper you know what to do, you too Wingull." Arceus says. "Pel/Wing! (Aye!)" Both said at the same time.

Both groups chased after Ash to give him a helping hand by gusting him back up if he ever desended.

Someone's POV

A blue haired girl was currently on a flight plane headed to Sinnoh after visiting Hoenn with a boy in a striped t-shirt.

"I wonder if he's still alive... No one is supposed to die like that..." ??? says to herself. "Huh?" ??? says as she looks out the window to find someone flying at least 70 feet away from the plane with a glider and a bunch of Pokemon behind him.

"Hey what's wrong Dawn? Oh...?" ??? says before seeing something shocking.

"Who is that Kenny?" Dawn whispers to Kenny. "How should I know?" Kenny whispered back.

"He's like one with Pokemon, but how does a wild flock of Pokemon trust him? There's something definitely wrong here..." Dawn thought to herself.

"Who ever he was I want to battle him. He seems like a type of guy that can command an entire army of Pokemon." Kenny whispered.

"Attention passengers, we are arriving in Sinnoh very soon, thank you for flying Sinnoh flights." Anouncer says. "Hey Dawn, we're almost back home!" Kenny whispered.

Back to Ash...

"So We've landed... I guess this is my stop..." Ash says. "Well not yet, Peliper and Wingull Squad needs to rescue some Pokemon stranded on Islands or on the Ocean." Arceus says. "Oh I guess that makes sense, anyways who's gonna help me?" Ash says.

"I'll call Staraptor Squad to assist you on your flight so take your time to wait, Alright?" Arceus says. "Sure I'll wait." Ash says. "I'll need to mention that your friend should be arriving soon... Very soon..." Arceus said.

Right on cue, a Pokemon came out of the shadows revealing himself. "Gren! (Hey there Ash!)" The Pokemon said. "G-Greninja? You're back!" Ash says with tears.

Ash and Greninja gave a friendly hug showing how much they bonded.

A trainer far away was approaching Ash quickly. In the distance he said, "Hey! I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" ??? says.

Ash glances over at the guy's face he recognized him as Kenny.

"Uh oh... I can't reveal myself, but I can't decline the offer!" Ash thought to himself. "I ACCEPT!" Ash exclaimed in hype.

"You ready for a 3 on 3?" Kenny noted. Ash gulped, he didn't realize it was a 3 on 3, Ash only wished it was a 1 on 1. "How bout a 1 on 1?" Ash says. "What?! You don't have three pokemon?" Kenny exclaimed.

Someone was catching up with Kenny, she looked very familiar for Ash. "Hey wait up Kenny! Man how are you so fast..." ??? says. "Maybe you just so slow, dee dee..." Kenny says. "Stop calling me that! My name is Dawn!" Dawn says while pouting.

"She is just so cute when she does that..." Kenny thought to himself with a small blush.

"Uh oh. Dawn's here, I hope she doesn't recognize me." Ash thought to himself. "Sorry for my friend here, he wanted to battle you ever since he saw you fly with a bunch of other Pokemon like you were their leader. By the way my name is Dawn!" Dawn introduced herself again.

"Sorry for being impolite, my name is Kenny!" Kenny introduced himself. "Forgive me, but I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Alpha, Alpha Kestcrow. And we shall battle Kenny." Ash says. "Alright!" Kenny says in excitment.

Ash and Kenny was prepared, "So let me guess you're using that Pokemon there?" Kenny says pointing at Greninja.

"Yes I will be using him in our battle." Ash stated. "Alright then... Floatzel! Let's go!" Kenny says throwing a Pokeball revealing Floatzel. "Float! (Alright!)" Floatzel says.

Dawn was refereeing, she was about to start the battle when, "Wait let me do something quick..." Ash says. Kenny and Dawn was confused.

Ash brought out an empty Pokeball and threw it at Greninja, Greninja was sucked into the ball.

Kenny and Dawn was shocked, "What?! It was a wild Pokemon?" Kenny said. "Yep, he uh..." Ash thought of an excuse after releasing him. "Wanted to be my friend! Yeah hehe..." Ash said nervously.

"Since you already know the rules... begin!" Dawn said.

"Greninja go in for a Cut!" Ash said. "Floatzel! Hydro pump!" Kenny commanded. Greninja dodged the attack, then slashed at Floatzel with a Cut. Floatzel dodged, then Greninja backed up to his side.

"Hey Greninja!" Ash said to Greninja. Greninja turned around to his trainer. "Don't do the thing!" Ash says. Greninja understood.

"What thing?" Kenny says. "Nothing, get it? Go for a Water Shuriken!" Ash called out. Greninja did what he was told. The attack was dodged, as Floatzel dodged it as he didn't realize that Greninja prepared a Cut at close range. Cut struck with a critical hit.

Floatzel was down on his knees, "Oh no Floatzel!" Kenny says. "Greninja end this with Water Shuriken!" Ash says. Greninja didn't hesitate as he took out Floatzel. Throwing a weak enough Water Shuriken to knock out Floatzel.

"Floatzel is unable to battle, Greninja wins!" Dawn says. Ash runs over to Kenny as he returns Greninja, Kenny does the same with Floatzel.

"That was a great battle, sadly I wish it lasted longer, sorry for critical hitting your Floatzel!" Ash says. "Thanks, maybe some time in the future we can Battle again!" Kenny says. "Yeah!" Ash replied.

"Hey Ash the Squad arrived." Arceus says. "Alright! Bye see you later!" Ash says as he took out his glider and glided down the hill as a bunch of Staraptor followed with a Gust to assist.

Dawn and Kenny saw in shock to see a bunch of Pokemon to help the Alpha guy.

"That guy's amazing! How does he do that? It's quite strange that he wears a cloak." Kenny stated.

"Yeah... not much people wear cloaks." Dawn said.

(And done! How'd you like it? Comment below or not.)

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