Chapter 27 - Escort Experts

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash and Calem defended themselves with their hands as they were waiting for the impact. Three Pangoro was about to strike at them until they were hit in the head by a diamond crystal from someone or some pokemon.

"Stop that, you know what Arc told you." ??? said lecturing the Pangoros. "Goro... (Sorry mam...)" The Pangoro's said with a sad look as ??? was disappointed in them. Ash and Calem opened their eyes as they saw a Pokemon that was familiar to both of them.

"Wow! A Diancie! They're extremely rare to see and I finally got to see one in person!" Calem said with stars in his eyes. "Hello there Alpha! And I think you're Calem am I right?" Diancie said using telepathy. "Wow and she even knows me! I'm so flattered!" Calem said blushing in embarrassment.

"How did you know?" Ash said. "I told her about the details and added the fact to not call you Ash in front of Calem." Arceus said. "Cool I guess. Anyways, what do I do now?" Ash asked Arceus. "Escort her to a safer place, a few stupid Humans were dumb enough to try to capture her for... you know diamonds." Arceus said.

"So Alpha... What do we do?" Calem asked. "Escort Diancie and keep her company as we guide her to a safer place." Ash said. "But where to? Know any places?"  Calem said. "Well I know a place... It does keep a lot of Humans out, but I'm allowed in. You know what I'm thinking Arc?" Ash asked the air, he knew that Arc can read him.

"Yup!" Arceus replied. "Is Arc always watching or listening to us?" Calem asked. "Yeah, he knows everything, well not everything, but all the Pokemon friends he communicated with." Ash answered. "That's amazing! He sounds like one himself." Calem said.

"You're thinking about that place huh." Arceus said. "Yes I am Arc, Yes I am." Ash replied. "I'll give him details, or he may accidentally kill you haha." Arceus said laughing it off. "Real funny." Ash replied.


Ash and Calem went through Laverre City with Diancie, the Pangoros couldn't leave the forest as they were protecting it, they promised that another Pokemon on the other side of the forest will help guide them.

"Still looks the same." Ash said to himself. "Wait... You've been here before? I thought you lived over at Sinnoh and you never traveled here before." Calem said. "Well... Technically I got all the information about the other regions I travel to just to do the missions I receive." Ash explained in a lie.

"Whatever, woah look at all of those girls." Calem said falling over for a girl wearing clothing that made her look like a Mawile. "C'mon quit wasting time, we got someone to escort." Ash reminded. "Fine this better be worth it at the end." Calem hoped.

Ash passed by a tea shop where there was a couple of strangers strangely following them, they had glasses and a mask. "Ash, there are two poachers behind you, they're planning to steal Diancie from behind you." Arceus said.

Ash whispered to Calem's ear of what's going on. Ash and Calem planned it through then went for the plan, Ash splitted up with Calem while Diancie followed Ash. The Poachers followed Ash, the plan was working perfectly.

Calem released Chesnaught from his Pokeball to prepare for a sneak attack. Ash silently and quickly headed to a corner to find a dead end. "Well look at that, a kid. Hand over her and you'll be spared more or less, actually not." Poacher 1 said.

Ash remained silent. "I guess you won't, your lost kid." Poacher 2 said bringing out a Pangoro to fight against a harmless person. Ash waited and stayed quiet still. "If it's quiet you want to be, then so be it, your death will be punishing. Pangoro, Hammer Arm." Poacher 2 said.

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