Chapter 1 - Commander Ash out!

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company)

Spectating Ash...

"Yes Ash... A Mission, can you do it for me?" Arceus says begging for his assistance. "I'll do it!" Ash says. Arceus can tell in Ash's voice that he really loves Pokemon and doesn't want to do it because he needed to, but because he wanted to. "Please tell me the Mission sir!" Ash says in a mature manner. "Oh you don't have to call me sir please call me Arceus. Anyway your Mission is to find Mew. She is in grave danger from Team Rocket. I could help her, but I needed to test if you can help her." Arceus says. "But..." Ash says while he started to weep. "What's wrong?" Arceus says calmly. "My... My Pikachu was killed by that Ultra Beast..." Ash says. "Oh that? Your Pikachu is just fine!" Arceus says as he moved out of the way to reveal Pikachu hiding behind Arceus with his eyes closed. Ash gasps, "Pi-Pikachu!" Ash says as he cry tears of joy of finding his best buddy alive. "Can Pikachu help me along my journey?" Ash says pleading for Arceus to say yes. "Sure he can! Pikachu will be given a second chance as well." Arceus says.

"But remember Ash..." Arceus says as Ash got serious. "You'll be sent back on Earth. So you can look for Mew, not your friends, I believe that they know that you're dead, but don't reveal yourself to your friends, it will disturb our agreement. If you failed to do these tasks you fail your Mission and your final second chance." Arceus says with intimidation. "Yes sir or mam!" Ash says. "By the way Ash, I'm a guy..." Arceus says. "Oh..." Ash says. "You'll be guided by me of course, but the challenge is Team Rocket. Wear this cloak to hide your face to the world, Everyone knows you are dead. Also take this bag it contains tools to travel alone." Arceus says. "I'll drop you and Pikachu off now..." Arceus says as he teleports Ash and Pikachu  away from where ever he was. "Good luck, you're gonna need it Ash." Arceus thought to himself.

In Alola... In some professor's house...

Professor Kukui was sitting on his chair going through research about Pokemon move types. "Whew man I'm tired! Ash! Do you want any..." Kukui says before realizing that Ash was no longer alive, Kukui cried on his work. "Why... Why did this have to happen?" Kukui thought to himself. Kukui treated Ash like he was his son, sooner or later Professor Burnet came in to see Kukui crying, Burnet comforted him. "Hey Kukui... It's fine don't cry... Ash wouldn't want us to be crying for him... He wants us to be strong!" Burnet says cheering up Kukui. Kukui sniffs, "Yeah... You're right!" Kukui says.

In the Pokemon school in Alola...

Ash's classmates were talking about stuff after the bell rang that school was out, but then came in one topic when someone said about him. "Hey Ash wanna come train with m..." Kiawe says as he forgot that Ash was killed. Ash's classmates heard Kiawe say that one name everyone loved as a friend. All of Ash's classmates cried in the room, so did Kukui when he heard the name Ash. Kiawe sniffed, "It-it's just not fun without him..." Kiawe says crying. "I-I know..." Sophocles says crying. "Togemaru! (Why does Pikachu have to go too!)" Togemaru cries as well. "The school isn't much of itself after the incident..." Mallow says. "Yeah..." Lana says. "And for once in my lifetime... I felt something in me for him..." Lillie says blushing.

In the Aether Paradise...

Lusamine was thinking about that Ultra Beast Nihilego that murdered Ash. "Should I release it back into its home? Nah it may come back for Lillie. But... It needs to get back home... I will give Gladion a choice." Lusamine thought to herself. Lusamine held a button and said to the microphone. "Calling agent Gladion..." Lusamine said. Gladion burst through the door after 30 seconds. "What do you call me for mom." Gladion says politely. "I need you to help me figure out what should I do with this..." Lusamine says as she handed Gladion the Beast Ball containing Nihilego. Silvally that was standing by Gladion growled to the Beast Ball. "Grr! (I sense danger in that Ball!)" Silvally says as it was posing for a threat to come out. Gladion looked at the Beast Ball for a couple of seconds, then turned to Lusamine. "I need you to tell me if I should let it go or keep it prisoned for experiment, just so we can find an antidote to its poison." Lusamine says. "Imprison it..." Gladion says coldly holding the Beast Ball crushing it. "Ultra Wormholes are opening up around Alola, it is dangerous and I need you to keep a look out for Lillie, many more dangerous Ultra Beasts will roam into this world and cause havoc." Lusamine says in a serious tone. "Right away miss." Gladion says as he left to protect the people in Melemele Island, mostly Lillie. "If one of those Ultra Beasts lay a hand on my sister... They'll be sorry..." Gladion thought to himself while squeezing his fists.

Lusamine was left alone in her office, she was about to call some of her agents to secure the Islands from Ultra Beasts until... Ring! Ring! Ring! The phone rings. Lusamine picks it up hearing a voice. "Hello is Lusamine there?" ??? says. "Yes I'm Lusamine... What do you want?" Lusamine says. "Well I am Ash's mom Delia Ketchum, I wanted to know if Pikachu is still there..." Delia says. "Well you see Delia... Pikachu ended up as Ash." Lusamine says with a frown.  Delia heard this and cried. Lusamine heard her cry and ended up crying as well. "I'm sorry I couldn't help... It was too late." Lusamine says crying still. "It-its okay." Delia says sniffing and wiping tears off of her eyes. "As long as Ash is still in me all the way..." Delia says with a smile.

Back with Ash...

Ash was teleported outside of Professor Oak's laboratory. "Woah! Why here?" Ash thought to himself. Ash was still wearing his cloak. Ash saw a familiar trainer that came out, it was Gary. Ash gasps and was about to say something until... "Ash... Remember what we talked about... No negotiating with your friends, find Mew." Arceus telepathically says to Ash. "F-fine." Ash says to himself. Ash walked away from Gary. "Hmm?" Gary says as he never remembered a guy being there as he turned around. "Nah it's probably nothing." Gary thought to himself. "Though he had a strange smell coming off of him and he saw a Pikachu on his shoulder. "Probably a different trainer than Ash..." Gary says to himself. "Whew that was close, so Arceus... Where is this Mew?" Ash thought to himself. "Hey Arceus where do I find Mew?" Ash whispers to Arceus. "You'll find a compass in your bag that will lead you to where you need to go, then follow it." Arceus says. Ash listened and pulled out a Compass that was pointing towards a forest from far from where he was. "Oh man this is gonna be a long journey." Ash thought to himself.

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