Chapter 25 - MISSION OBJECTIVE: Ordering the Order

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash arrived at Kalos port as he gets off the Vaporeon Vessel, he goes behind a couple of boxes to communicate to Arceus. "Hey Arc! You there?" Ash said. "Yup, go find Blobby, he can sense Squishy." Arceus said. "Alright, but where?" Ash said looking around.

"It's pretty obvious." ??? said, Ash quickly glances over to ???. "Huh? Oh, you're right, it's really obvious, I guess you're gonna help me then. Start Blobby." Ash said. "Yeah, you're right, but you do know that if Arceus didn't tell me to help you, then I wouldn't even ask you where Z1 is at." Blobby said.

"Squishy, I think you meant to say." Ash said correcting Blobby. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyways I can sense the surroundings of almost everywhere, as our cells are spreaded out so far and everywhere, I can view them like spy cameras." Blobby said. "Welp there goes one, some human decided to take a Z cell off of the floor, darn Team Flare. But... I know where Squishy is now." Blobby said.

"So that means... You can see everything in every region?" Ash asked. "Yup, and... OH ARCEUS, may Arceus bless you Darkrai, you lost your you know what. Nevermind you got lucky." Blobby said to himself. "Huh? What happened?" Ash said. "Well... nothing you wouldn't understand." Blobby said.

"Okay, so I'm still waiting for an answer." Ash said waiting impatiently. "Ah sorry, sorry. So Squishy is held at Lumiose City, inside Prism Tower. Predictable, the place with the most people in there as it is famous for it's shops and beautiful girls, blech..." Blobby said. "Then we should get going!" Ash said opening his bag.

"Hmm? What are you doing?" Blobby asked. "Waiting for you to jump in, you're coming with me. You gonna help me free Squishy." Ash explained. "I guess that makes sense..." Blobby understanding his point. Blobby jumps in the bag looking around and seeing Pikachu in there, Pikachu just waved while laying down lazily like a Slaking, Blobby only sweat dropped.

A couple of minutes later...

Ash made it to Prism Tower, "I'm guessing they broke in," Ash said. "Yeah they did, probably got the hostages in there, and they kinda looked familiar." Blobby said. "Hostages? Team Flare! They'll pay for this!" Ash said.

There was a TV transceiver nearby Ash, it turned on revealing a shadowed face, Ash looked at it. This screen showed up on everywhere, "Hello there people of Lumiose City. Who am I? I'm the world's master, I'm the one and only person in this world that this world deserves and all of you? Are just my puppets soon, very soon." ??? said.

The TV screen shuts off, "Man does Lysandre have to be back? I thought he was a goner." Blobby said. "Huh? How'd you know that he's Lysandre?" Ash asked. "Well I had a Z cell there, oops! It's gone. C'mon let's get this guy he's really annoying me, he's stealing my cells." Blobby said furiously.

Wanna know a Fun Fact? I almost typed Lysandere. LOL

Ash approaches the gym, it was closed off for some reason. "Ah trying to go for the badge? Don't even try, the gym is closed... for a uniquely long time." ??? said behind Ash. Ash turns to look at him.

The guy looked the same size as Ash, but a little taller. "I've always hated fighting an electric type. You know why? It's because they're the only one that is weak against ground types." ??? said, but he was right.

"I'm not going for the badge, I'm looking for the gym leader, we're friends." Ash said. "Well I don't know where he is, this gym has been closed since yesterday, but you know what's weird? A gym shouldn't be closed for at least two days." ??? said.

"Oh! Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Motch Less, some people call me Horror Motch because I scared an entire crowd of people by accidentally creating a shadow puppet that looked like a creepy monster that wasn't human or Pokemon." Motch greeted. "Oh that's nice, my name is Alpha Kestcrow." Ash greeted himself.

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