Chapter 37 - Having a ball (Part 1)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash approached the Mansion, "Alright, just act normal..." Ash said to himself. Ash busted through the door slowly opening it. "Hello? Who's there?" A waitress said to Ash. "I'm Alpha, I want to visit Lusamine." Ash said nervously.

"Sorry, I cannot allow that, she's busy, but I'll notify her about you." The waitress said. "Thanks. I'll wait here." Ash said staying outside scouting. The waitress nodded. "I'll be right back." The waitress said.

The waitress walked up to Lusamine in her room. She was busy of course, "Hello? Yes, yes, I know I'll work on it." Lusamine talked on the phone. She put the phone down, another phone rang. Lusamine sighed and picked up the phone.

"Hello? I know I'll get straight to the problem, I'll send my men to help." Lusamine said. "Hello? Madam? Someone is here to meet you." The waitress said. "Okay just tell them that I'll be there later, I'm busy." Lusamine said.

"It's Alpha." The waitress said. "Alpha? I heard of him. Tell them that I'll meet him after this call." Lusamine said. "Okay madam." The waitress said. "Please call me Lusamine, Vixie." Lusamine said. "Understood madam Lusamine." Vixie said.

Lusamine sighed. "Just go." Lusamine said. Vixie nodded and walked back to Ash.

"Hello? Alpha? You may come in now, just wait for Lusamine to finish her calls." Vixie said. "I never got your name." Ash said. "I'm Vixie Wace." Vixie greeted herself. "I'm Alpha you already knew, but nice to meet you!" Ash said bowing like a gentlemen and offering a handshake.

Vixie was a little taken back by his formal attitude; she took the offer of a handshake. "You're welcome in the mansion." Vixie said. "Thanks, I'll be waiting here." Ash said. "Do you want anything?" Vixie asked.

"Nah, I'm good... I think." Ash said. "Why don't you try my Macaroons?" Vixie said rolling a small cart that had a plate full of macaroons on it. Ash's bag suddenly shook, Pikachu jumped out of the bag. Pikachu grabbed a Macaroon quickly and held it to himself protecting it from any Pokemon that wanted to take it.

"Oh my!" Vixie said while covering her mouth. "Haha... sorry about that, my Pikachu loves Macaroons, it's his second favorite food, he loves... Ketchup with it..." Ash said while sweat dropping seeing Pikachu pour Ketchup on the Macaroon.

"You know buddy, Ketchup isn't supposed to be poured on Macaroons." Ash said. "Pika Pika! (Hey! Don't judge until you try it.)" Pikachu argued. Ash giggled, "Fine, have it your way." Ash said.

"That's one special Pikachu you have, do any of your other Pokemon want to try the Macaroons?" Vixie asked. "I'll send them out. I should tell you to turn around just in case." Ash said pulling out Several Pokeballs. 

Ash send out the Pokemon in the Pokeballs; out came Lucario, Absol, Celebi, and (Eevee) Mew. "Please don't look behind you." Ash said. "Don't try anything bad to me." Vixie said. "Don't worry, I can't." Ash said.

Most of Ash's Pokemon took all of the Macaroons that was their taste. "Mmm... strong taste of sweetness." Lucario said. "Eevee! (Thanks master!)" Mew said. "Help translate Lucario." Ash whispered. "She said thanks master." Lucario translated.

"Oh... Don't call me master, we're all the same, both Pokemon and people." Ash said. Mew nods, "Celebi! (Try this one Mew!)" Celebi whispered holding a pink Macaroon. Mew took the Macaroon, it was Pecha flavored.

"Eevee! (Delicious!)" Mew said happily. "Can I turn around now?" Vixie asked. "Erm... Yeah now." Ash said while returning Mew, Celebi, Lucario, and Absol. Pikachu went back into the bag, carrying a couple of macaroons with him.

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