Chapter 49 - Errands to Run

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash walked over to Kahuna Hala to ask him something until... "Ash! There's something I need you to do, can you help me out?" Arceus said to Ash. "Oh! Sure! How long is it gonna take me?" Ash asked.

"About a day, can you?" Arceus said. "Sure! I have until tomorrow to do a grand trial, so I'll be here on time. What is it?" Ash said. "Pretty simple, all you have to do is rescue a Pokemon from a terrible climate nearby Snowbelle City." Arceus explained.

"It's a Roserade, I don't even know how one got there. But go do it please, SOS call from her." Arceus said in a rush. "Sure, just let me talk to Hala." Ash said. "Make it quick. Tell me if you're ready, Hooper will get you there." Arceus said.

Ash nodded and ran towards Kahuna Hala. "Oh! Ho! What have we got here?" Hala said while looking at Ash, he was holding the Normalium Z on his hand showing it towards Hala. "I'm guessing you've finished the trial?" Kahuna Hala said.

"Yes sir! I'm ready to take on a Grand Trial! If you would accept me?" Ash said with a slight pause. "By the looks of it, you overpowered our totem Pokemon Gumshoos, and by that I see how much you've grown in your time. You've been accepted in the Grand Trial, Tomorrow!" Hala said.

"Thanks! I've got an errand to run!" Ash said as he left, running off in the distance. Out of sight, "Ah... old times, when I used to go through the journey around Alola completing trials. They were Nostalgic." Hala said to himself as he looked up in the air.

With Ash...

Ash stopped by an airport. "I think this is a great place to secretly talk with you Arc." Ash said. "Yeah it is, ready?" Arc said. "Yes sir!" Ash replied. A hoop immediately appeared underneath Ash, Ash fell into the hoop and arrived in the snow in a flash.

Ash was shivering intensely. "Wear something." Arceus said. Ash looked in the bag as he was shivering anxiously. He pulled out a parka, "B-back t-to w-w-wearing th-this I-I g-guess..." Ash said while shivering.

He puts on the parka nice and cozy. Ash stopped shivering as he buckled up his clothes. "Phew, that was terrible, even a snowstorm? Worse timing." Ash said. "That's why it's urgent. Now go!" Arceus said.

Ash slowly walked up towards the mountain, he looked at the compass which was pointing towards the direction he was headed. Ash was quickly moving through the snow, upon realizing this, he was shocked to see a beautiful creature fly up on him.

"Stop!" A feminine voice said which was the Pokemon. "Wh-whoa! Huh?" Ash said in surprise as he looked in front of him. It was Articuno, "Stop! You're going too far off! I'll guide you to the Pokemon, it seems like she cannot hold any longer!" Articuno said.

Ash nodded and studied his path forward, it was a huge cliff, "Thanks Articuno." Ash said. Articuno nodded and flew towards a direction that Ash was going to head because the compass was pointing towards her direction.

A few moments later...

Ash and Articuno arrived at a cliff, Ash looked down to see a Pokemon there, true it was a Roserade. "Hold on! I'm coming to get you!" Ash said, he pulled out a climbing rope, he stuck the hook deep into the snow behind a couple of rocks it was strong enough to hold him.

"I couldn't help her because this is near a cliff and..." Articuno was interfered by a noise of a small avalanche. "That..." Articuno said trailing off. "Don't worry, I've been in worse. And, put in worse." Ash said.

"Okay." Articuno said while stepping back, Ash approached the cliff with a rope in hand, wearing gloves and goggles. Ash looked back into the wall as he was gonna climb down. "H-help!" Roserade called out.

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