Chapter 16 - Music to your ears

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(I don't own Pokemon and It's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash, N, Anthea and Concordia were headed to a safer place for Meloetta to stay at. "So Ash... How's Alola?" N said trying to start a Conversation. "Totally Awesome, I transfered there as a student! At least until I died." Ash said with a frown. "Sorry to hear, so Arceus is gonna help you by giving you your Second chance After you finish his chores as a god?" N stated. "Yeah, he's really nice, to Pokemon that is, but he doesn't like to trust humans as one tried to betray him." Ash said.

"I understand, Only some Humans are quite evil." N said. "Yup!" Ash replied. "I also want to hear about your adventures in other regions you've been to." N said. "Me too! I want to know what happened on your journey." Anthea and Concordia said. "Well then I'll tell you!" Ash said while starting a long story that lasted about an hour.

"And Alola, wow I love how the sunsets, it's like a place where you want to have your vacation, it's a tour region, but it has these things called Island challenges, like gym battles, but different. There are also Pokemon from that region that look like Pokemon from Kanto, but different types it is awesome! Including Ultra Beasts..." Ash said. "What is an Ultra Beast?" N said. Anthea and Concordia nodded wanting to know more about UB (Ultra Beasts). "An Ultra Beast from what I've heard, is like a Pokemon, but different it doesn't come from this world, so as an Ultra guardian we have to catch the Ultra Beast and release him back to his/her home world." Ash explained. "Wow, I want to meet one and become friends with one." N said. "I don't know... They aren't familiar with our world, and I wasn't with theirs." Ash explained.

"So... What was UB #1 Parasite's World like?" N asked. "Very dark like a void and quiet except hearing the jiggly noises of the Ultra Beasts, also Poisonous fountains." Ash explained. "Sounds very dangerous, but why did the Ultra Beast you know.... Kill you?" N said. "Meh... Probably because I attacked it when it was absorbing Lusamine's knowledge of our world, so it came back to kill me." Ash explained with a shrug. Anthea and Concordia shivered of the thought of it sucking knowledge from Humans. "It probably came back to capture Lillie for her huge knowledge of this world and Pokemon." Ash said. Ash explains more about Ultra Beasts.

"So the only Ultra Beast you've seen is Nihilego?" N said. "Yup! I don't know the other ones, but I hope they aren't bad as they look because that'll be a problem to my friends at school." Ash said.

Ash looks at the compass and forward. "Seems to be pointing towards another plain grass field. This place looks beautiful!" Ash says looking at the distance. There was a grassy plain, wind blowing, and a river down hill. Mountains of snow in the distance. "But were still not safe Team Rocket will come by and attack us any time soon." N said. "You know, I can't fight them by myself alone." Ash said. "You're right Ash, Luckily Meloetta's singing can call Landorus, Tornadus and Thundurus, that'll be enough to stop them." Arceus said. "Arceus can you also Telepathically talk to N too?" Ash said. "Sure, can you hear me?" Arceus said. "Loud and clear Arceus, I hope we can meet in person someday, I heard you were the creator of us and Pokemon." N said. 

"Call me by Arc just in case someone overhears you talking to me and someday my pure hearted Human we will meet. I saw how relaxed Reshiram was when he talked to you." Arceus said. "I hear them..." Ash said quietly. Everyone was quiet as they hear a sound of a helicopter sound hovering above them.

"Team Rocket, they must've use a Tracker on Meloetta." Ash said. "Right you are Ash, but I can't seem to take it off, it'll hurt Meloetta." Concordia said. "Ugh those dim wicked Humans, harm done on anyone of my children shall pay the price." Arceus said, he was a little scary, like he wanted to kill them.

"Oh! I just remembered, Ash pull out something from your bag and hand it to Meloetta and I hope you know how speakers work!" Arceus said. "Sure!" Ash said pulling out objects from his bag. "Time for an Encore." Ash said smirking.

The helicopter was landing and out came a couple of Team Rocket Grunts. "We've made it, COME OUT! YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM US!!!" Grunt 1 said. Ash pops out of the bushes nearby, "You caught us! But first... Hit it!" Ash said pointing towards Meloetta on top of a pile of rocks.

Meloetta started singing with a tender kind hearted voice, as several Grunts told their Pokemon to stop her, but sadly stopped by Ash's Greninja and Absol like they were bodyguards.

Once her song finished, Greninja and Absol defeated the incoming Pokemon sent by guards, more came, but a roar was heard from the sky...

"Thundurus! (Stop picking on little girls!)" Thunderous said. "Tornadus! (Not nice playing 50 against 3 now is it?)" Tornadus said. "Landorus! (Let's wrap this up boys!)" Landorus said gesturing to both Thundurus and Tornadus while both nodded.

The trio began to transform into their Therian forme, "Landorus! (Time to show them what we do to bullies that bully our precious little girl!)" Landorus said. The trio began to turn the sky into a storm and thunder struck as Thundurus struck Thunder against 25% of the Grunts Pokemon, "FALL BACK!!!" Grunt 1 said as he returned his Pokemon. "Tornadus! (Torchics!)" Tornadus taunted as he blows Hurricanes towards their Pokemon blowing 25% away.

"Landorus! (You will fear me!)" Landorus said as he used Earthquake. The Earth started to tremor and shook as 50% Pokemon were hit unconscious. Grunt 1 was terrified and bowed down to Landorus as he approached him. "Please! I swear I won't pick on Meloetta! Spare me!" Grunt 1 said as he cowered in fear.

Landorus waited for a couple of seconds then said, "Landorus (Good now be a good boy and get lost.)" Landorus said while turning away. "Heh..." Grunt 1 said pulling out a Master ball and throwing it towards Landorus hitting him with it, shocking Ash and the others.

Landorus knew this was gonna happen, but the Master ball didn't work. "What?!" Grunt 1 said. "He's already caught?" Ash said confused. "No, before Landorus got here he headed to Mewtwo where he got a special badge on his chest from Mewtwo, he said it gives the ability for Pokemon to not get caught, as showing you're uncatchable." Arceus said. "Land (You got that right bud.)" Landorus said to Arceus. "Land... (Now for you...)" Landorus said looking back at Grunt 1. He was terrified.

Landorus carried him on the back of his shirt as he dragged him off of somewhere fast. "Tornadus (I bet I know where he's going)" Tornadus said. "Thundurus? (Really? Bringing him to him...)" Thundurus said.  "Tornadus (Gotta catch up with him after taking these guys out.)" Tornadus said turning towards the rest of the grunts that panicked.

"What do we do? Our boss is gone!" Grunt 2 said. "All you can do is turn yourself in for the greater good!" Ash said. "Never!" Grunt 3 said. "Suit yourself, take them out." Ash said. Tornadus and Thundurus understood what to do. Tornadus gathered them up and Thundurus paralyzed them. "Let's call Officer Jenny shall we?" Ash said pulling out a phone from the bag.

After an hour the Officers arrived, Thundurus and Tornadus left the area. "Thank you for your help Alpha!" Officer Jenny saluted. "Let me guess, rumors spread about me." Ash said. "Yes, thanks to you Team Rocket's organization is getting smaller after several arrestments made by their grunts." Officer Jenny said. "You're welcome don't mention it." Ash said. Officer Jenny saluted one more time as she marched back to her car with several Officers.

"So Alpha... What are you gonna do now?" N asked. "Well... Might as well talk to Arc about it." Ash said. "Yeah I'm here, so to see the results... You've finished your mission escorting Meloetta to a safer place, and N take care of yourself, Ash has things to do, my missions." Arceus said.

"As you wish Arc." N said. "Take care of yourself Ash, I'll be going on a journey now, thanks to your stories, I might be able to find Pokemon in distress and save them." N said. "Be careful N!" Ash said walking off in the distance. "Same should be said to you too!" N said waving goodbye walking the other direction.

"I cut off my telepathy to N now, so Ash I got a new Mission for you~" Arceus said. "Oh boy, woo hoo." Ash said clearly sarcastic. "Sorry Ash, but until all of my children are safe, you can go back to your normal regular day in life at school." Arceus said. "Just how much children do you have?" Ash asked.

"A lot more than 10 that's for sure." Arceus said. Ash sighed, "More adventures here we go..." Ash said exhausted.

(END OF CHAPTER!!! How'd you like it? Comment below. Mewtwo is kinda like Arceus' scientist Pokemon, he researches and does crazy Experiments. Also Arceus has a word to say... "You all want to know where the Grunt was taken?" Arceus said. 

"Well he was taken to Mewtwo by Landorus, and oh boy is he gonna have a bad time." Arceus said cackling evilly.)

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