Chapter 44 - Just A Regular Day

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(I don't Own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

A few moments later...

Ash made it to the school, glancing at it from afar, he noticed something off. There was motorbikes on the front of the school. "Uh oh..." Ash said, he quickly recognized them, as Team Skull's motorbikes.

Ash hurried up towards the gates and he sees the three Skull grunts he and his friends always face. Ash sees his friend Kiawe getting beaten from the unfair six on one, "Haha! Where's that Alpha of yours? You can't even depend on him!" Blue skull grunt said.

Kiawe clenches his teeth in defeat as his Turtonator got defeated. It was a flawless victory for them, "Hey! Stop right there!" Ash said butting in. "Oh? Who is this? Alpha I bet huh?" Skull grunt blue hair said.

"We're so gonna beat you down!" Skull grunt brown hair said. "Yeah!" Skull grunt pink hair said. "You can't be sure to count on that. Absol! Primarina! Let's go!" Ash said throwing both Pokeballs towards the battlefield.

They revealed Absol and Primarina. On the opposing enemies still had their Pokemon, Gumshoos, Golbat, Crobat, Yungoos, Garbodor, and Houndoom. "Hmm? You've been training? I bet?" Ash said.

"Yeah, yeah, we've been training so much that we know your weaknesses!" The grunts said all together. "Every strategy including dodging!" The Grunt in Pink hair said. "Weaknesses like your dark type Absol, with a water type Primarina!" Grunt in brown hair said.

Ash smirked, "All information, exception of very little information that will allow me to win." Ash thought to himself. "Alright! Let me have at it! First, Absol! Swords Dance and Primarina! Misty Terrain!" Ash called out.

Both nodded and used their attacks Primarina used Misty Terrain, which created a mist around the field covering Primarina and Absol raised his attack up. "Ha! Fell right into our trap! Golbat use Gust!" The Grunt in pink hair said.

"And prepare to attack!" All of the Grunts said. Waiting til the mist is blown away, a Psycho Cut came out of the Mist and landed on Golbat on impact. Not very much damage it did hurt Golbat. "Grr! You'll pay for that! Crobat go in for a Cross Poison!" The Grunt in pink hair said.

"Back her up Garbodor with Gunk Shot!" The Grunt in brown hair said. Crobat flew in really fast with a Cross Poison Garbodor shot a Gunk Shot that landed into the Mist, then Crobat flew in. Seconds later Crobat was knocked back to Grunt in pink hair with a little wound.

"Grr! Stop hiding and fight us!" The Grunts said. "Primarina, Prepare a Moonblast and fire it towards Houndoom. Absol, watch over Golbat and Crobat for sneak attacks! Primarina, save Sparkling Aria for last phase." Ash whispered.

"Golbat! Air Cutter into that Mist!" Grunt in Pink hair said. "Houndoom! Flamethrower! And blow this misery!" Grunt in blue hair said. "Gumshoos! Work up!" Grunt in brown hair said. Gumshoos began to work out increasing his attack and Sp. attack.

Golbat shot Air Cutter towards the Mist randomly and then Houndoom ended the turn charging a Flamethrower towards the Mist, blue hair grunt believe that mist and fire equals explosion.

A Moonblast shot towards Houndoom with immense speed and directly went into Houndoom's mouth, Houndoom ate that move and blew up into his mouth, which blew him back all the way to the small river.

Houndoom swam quickly out of the water. "Grr! How annoying!" Blue hair grunt said. "Gumshoos! Jump in there with a Thrash!" The brown hair grunt said. Gumshoos charged in there trying to Thrash into any opponents.

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