Chapter 10 - A wish come true

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company also Gamefreak)

Ash was gliding across the land, causing attention to people below, people below were talking about that glider in the sky. Some even said, "How'd he do that?"

Ash glances at the compass, it pointed towards his left. At his left he sees a huge lake, "Wow! Sometimes I like this Scenery in Sinnoh, it's just so clear! Right buddy?" Ash says.

Pikachu comes out of the bag, "Pika! Pika! Pika.... (Me too! By the way you never knew this, but in this bag is like a bedroom, it's so comfy here....)" Pikachu coos softly.

Suddenly the compass turns left. Ash headed left. Then the compass turns right, then left, then right, and left again, now it's spinning every direction!

"Huh? What's going on?" Ash says. "What's wrong Ash?" Arceus says. "The compass keeps me above the lake and turns in every direction now!" Ash explained. "Hmm, I guess that explains only one thing...

The Distortion World." Arceus says. "Wait what? Why would Jirachi be there?" Ash says. "I don't know... but let me talk to someone..." Arceus says.

With Arceus...

"I call you Giratina." Arceus says. Giratina comes to Arceus and bows down to him. "Yes my lord, what do you need?" Giratina says calmly. "Have you seen Jirachi in your Dimension?" Arceus asked.

Giratina went to calm into nervous. "What's wrong Giratina?" Arceus says. "Oh! Uh nothing!" Giratina says, but truth be told he is sweating very nervously. "Nothing? Okay then can you tell me where Jirachi is?" Arceus says, but he was beginning to realize that Giratina is going to lie to him.

"Oh! Jirachi... I don't know where he is... He must be sleeping. So may I ask why you wanted to know?" Giratina says. "Oh it's just that he missed our last meeting before and you know how much I care about you guys or girls." Arceus said. "Th-thank you for your compliment." Giratina says while he was beginning to leave the room, "Wait just a moment, I called you here to take on a task for me." Arceus says.

"O-oh... What is it sir?" Giratina said nervously. "I need you to go to and help Ash Ketchum by opening a portal to your world for Ash to find Jirachi there." Arceus says. "U-uh yeah sure I'll do that..." Giratina says. "Thanks for your cooperation." Arceus says.

"Ugh... Jirachi promised me for him to stay in the distortion world as long as he doesn't mess it up... And I promised that I wouldn't call him out." Giratina thought to himself.

Back with Ash...

"What's the hold up Arceus?" Ash says. "Oh don't complain Ash, help's coming." Arceus explained.

Suddenly an Portal opened to the Distortion world.

Somewhere with someone?

A girl was sitting underneath a tree nearby a lake.

"Why did Ash have to die? He was the best friend I could ever have... No. Best boyfriend I ever had, but a dense one." ??? thought to herself. "Huh?" ??? says as she sees a guy fly by with a cloak... and a bunch of other Pokemon flying behind him? "Who is he?" ??? says as she looks up at him.

Moments later a portal opened up in the lake. "Woah!" ??? says as she sees the portal open up.

Back with Ash...

"Hey... so do I jump in there?" Ash says. "Roar! (Come on in!)" Giratina says. "Well practically no... you fly in there, it's not an underwater area." Arceus explained. "Roar... (Oh yeah just so you know... DON'T POP ANY OF THE BUBBLES IN HERE! I'll KILL YOU IF YOU DO!)" Giratina roared loudly. "So..." Ash started until. "Basically what he said is to not mess with anything just focus on the subject, Jirachi." Arceus explained again.

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