Chapter 57 - Z-crystal Collecting (Part 4)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was in Lush Jungle, he was in the caves, "I kinda remembered the way to get through here I think." Ash said to himself. "I'm just gonna tell you Ash, I'm a take a nap." Arceus noted. "Oh, okay." Ash said.

Ash was approaching the exit of the caves. "I don't exactly know how to attract her or is it a him?" Ash said to himself. "You should really stop talking to yourself," Lucario said in his Pokeball.

"I know. Actually," Ash said while pulling out a Pokeball and threw it. Lucario was sent out. "Why'd you send me out?" Lucario said. "So I don't feel weird talking to myself." Ash said. "Fine I'll stick by." Lucario said.

Ash searches around the Jungle, he searched through the bushes and tall grass nearby. "Do you think you'll find them like that? Just call out to them." Lucario said. "But they're shy, I know that." Ash said.

"Well, I guess that makes sense. Let me guess... this is a grass type trial huh?" Lucario asked. "Yes, I took on this before." Ash said. "Let me at this totem Pokemon when we find him or her!" Lucario said.

"Sure, I guess." Ash said, both Ash and Lucario went looking for the totem Pokemon. "I think the last time I saw her, it was here." Ash said as he looked at the pile of fruit stocked in the tree trunk.

"I don't wanna anger her..." Ash said. "Oh! Bring out Roserade!" Lucario said. "Why?" Ash asked. "Doesn't she have Sweet Scent? That'll drag out the totem Pokemon!" Lucario said. "Great idea! You're a genius!" Ash said.

"I know... I'm the best." Lucario said arrogantly. "Roserade help us out!" Ash said throwing a Pokeball in mid-air. "Y-you called m-master?" Roserade said. "Don't call me master, just Alpha is fine. But... I need you to do us a favor..." Ash said.

After explanation...

Roserade understood, "Of course master!" Roserade said. Ash bothered to ignore it. Roserade danced as she spewed out a Sweet Scent in the air around her, "Good job!" Ash said. "Thanks!" Roserade replied as she spreaded out her Sweet Scent more.

Pokemon came running with wobbly eyes, distracted and mostly attracted to the Sweet Scent. Ash looked at the Pokemon, Pikipek, Trumbeak, Comfey, Ledyba, Fetchling, and Fomantis. "Wow! That's a lot of them... However the totem Pokemon isn't here." Ash said.

"Yeah, I guess it seemed smarter than the both of us." Lucario said. "Then we'll have to do it the old fashion way!" Ash said. "And that is?" Lucario asked.

Ash looked at the grass he was standing on. Ash pulled a flower out of the ground, they were pink colored, quite pretty for women. Ash and Lucario hears fast movement in the trees and grass in front of them.

The Pokemon came out of the grass, it was Lurantis! She looked very upset and furious. "How dare you pull that flower! This is a jungle! You can't make things your own!" Lurantis said furiously, you can see a vein pop out of her head.

Ash laid his hands out in defense. "Sorry, we wanted to fight you for a trial." Ash said. "Well trial starts NOW!" Lurantis said. "Okay," Ash said, he returned Lucario. "Now what was that for?" Lucario said.

"Sorry buddy, but someone else is wanting to try as well." Ash said as he threw another Pokeball in mid-air, it opened revealing... Gardevoir.

"You called? Master?" Gardevoir asked. "Don't call me master please. Let's fight Lurantis!" Ash said, Gardevoir before turning to her opponent, "She is a totem if I recall?" Gardevoir asked. "Yes." Ash said.

"Knew it, shall we begin then?" Gardevoir asked. Lurantis without responding, Lurantis prepared a Solar Blade and immediately slashed down at Gardevoir which she dodged. "Similar patterns." Gardevoir said.

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