Chapter 26 - Rolling with it

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak)

Ash was in a latte shop in Lumiose, he ordered a croissant, and a latte. "I think I'm getting used to this adult thing now, Arc." Ash said to Arceus. "Yeah, halfway there, there is something you haven't accomplished of being an adult." Arceus replied.

"What is that?" Ash said. "Ah don't worry about it, I do have a mission for you. And you don't have to travel, I got something that'll make your day awesome, first it's getting late." Arceus said.

He was right, it was getting quite late. "Tell you about it in the morning, a god needs his sleep." Arceus said while yawning.

Ash went to find somewhere to sleep at, Ash finds a hotel, a five-star hotel though. He went to approach there, but was stopped. "Sorry you're not... Wait a minute you're that Alpha guy. You're very welcome here! You'll been rewarded with free hospitality because if you weren't here in Kalos then we all would've been doomed." The bodyguard said.

"Oh thanks." Ash only said. He spent his night in the hotel, getting free dinner, and ladies? "Lucky Ash, you got everything, except your life." Arceus pointed out harshly.

"I declined the offer for a girl because ladies are not earned they're respected." Ash said making his point. "Whatever, but tomorrow you'll need to head to a forest nearby Laverre City, someone is in trouble, when I mean someone, I meant Pokemon only, not human." Arceus said. "Yes, I get it Arc, you hate people." Ash said. "I do and I always will." Arceus said.


Ash woke up in the morning and got out of the bed. Ash packed up for his journey to a forest nearby Laverre City, "Pikachu? Need a snack?" Ash said to Pikachu in the bag. "Pika... (Nope...)" Pikachu said napping with a full stomach.

Ash sighed, "I guess you ate whatever was in the bag." Ash said to Pikachu. "Pikachu! (You got that right!)" Pikachu said. "I always wondered why Arc is making me do this all alone, but all you're doing is nothing, almost nothing." Ash said to Pikachu.

"I am listening to your speech, and I can happily answer that for you. You're only doing this alone because you're a human, and Pikachu is a Pokemon, so you'll be doing everything." Arceus said with a smile.

"Even I can't see you, I can tell you love seeing me suffer." Ash said. "How?" Arceus asked. "Your tone has too much joy." Ash answered. Arceus giggled, "You got that right." Arceus responded.

Minutes later...

Ash was outside as he exited the hotel, he brought out a bike and rode it down through Lumiose. Ash passed by a couple of stores, and trainers, one he almost rode into as he appeared around a corner. "Watch it!" ??? said furiously. Ash reacted by turning to the left to avoid crash, but...

Ash crashed into a nearby fountain, his bag flew off of him and Pikachu flew out of the bag into the water. Pikachu accidentally reacted to the cold water by using Thunderbolt, Ash was shocked, and so was the bike, breaking it.

The trainer Ash almost ran into laughed as he saw what happened. "Hah! You deserve it!" ??? said with a mockingful manner. "Sorry about that, I did kinda deserve it though. I'm Alpha, and my bike... is currently destroyed." Ash said looking at his bike, with Pikachu at the side.

"Pika! (Wipe out!)" Pikachu said a little triggered, while shaking water off of his fur. Pikachu picked up Ash's bag and gave it to Ash as he headed to Ash's shoulder and sat on it. "Yeah it is, anyways, you're Alpha right? Why wear a mask? You look like a bad guy." ??? said with confusion.

"I do? Oh I do." Ash said pulling out a mirror from the bag. "But at least I'm not a bad guy, I'm more of a stranger." Ash said. "Well yeah you do look like one, I'm Calem Xavier by the way." Calem said.

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