Chapter 46 - Making Amends

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash's Lucario was about to face off against Silvally (Fire Type). "I have a bad feeling about fighting this guy. He seems tough, insanely tough." Lucario said. "Just gotta try, Am I right?" Ash said. "Yeah, giving up is something that I don't like to do." Lucario said.

"Lucario! Start this off with an Aura Sphere!" Ash said. Lucario fires an Aura Sphere towards Silvally, he dodges perfectly. "Expected that." Lucario said. "Silvally! Increase your beast power with Swords Dance!" Gladion called out.

Silvally increased his attack sharply. Lucario tensed up, he didn't like what he's planning. "Lucario! Fire another Aura Sphere!" Ash said. "I better hope you have a plan." Lucario said while shooting another towards Silvally.

"Silvally! Dodge it and use Multi-Attack!" Gladion said. "Now Lucario! Shoot one more Aura Sphere!" Ash said. "And Counter him with a Bone Rush." Ash thought to himself. Lucario smirked as he read his thoughts.

Lucario shot one last Aura Sphere. Silvally wasn't stumbled by it and still was charging at him. Quickly when the time was right Lucario dodged Multi-Attack by an centimeter and Countered with a Bone Rush instead of using his palm to uppercut his jaw.

Ash smirked as Silvally was launched back towards Gladion's side. "Silvally! What was that?" Gladion said while looking at Ash. "Well... strategy I guess." Ash said. "My Lucario is special because he'll react to moves using his own." Ash explained in a lie.

"Silvally! Go for range with Air Slash!" Gladion said. Enter, Lillie and the others. "Wow, there is a lot of people here!" Lillie said. "There is. Alpha's middle of attention." Kiawe said looking at the battle.

"Go! Alpha!" Sophocles said. "What? You're going to root for him?" Kiawe said. "Well... yeah I guess. He's pretty cool right?" Sophocles said. Mallow and Lana sighed. "C'mon let's cheer for my big brother! He needs it!" Lillie said wearing pom poms she bought during her shopping.

Lucario quickly drew his Bone Rush like a katana and slashed the Air Slash. "Whoa! That was cool! I wish that my Pokemon can use moves to be more advanced." A trainer in the crowd said. "I'm pretty sure it'll work." Another trainer in the crowd said.

"Throw your Bone Rush in the sky, fire an Aura Sphere and catch your Bone Rush." Ash thought about Lucario. Lucario did what he was told to do in Ash's head. "Just like a dream, and it comes true." Lucario said with a smirk.

The Aura Sphere was crushed with Crush Claw. "Heh, found your weakness." Gladion giggled. "Use Multi-Attack!" Gladion said. "Counter Lucario!" Ash said. Lucario dodged the Multi-Attack and Counter using his Bone Rush once more, but Silvally didn't flinch getting struck.

Silvally striked Lucario with Multi-Attack, super effective. "That hurt, a lot." Lucario said holding his left arm. "Silvally! End this with Air Slash!" Gladion called out. "Ready Alpha?" Lucario said secretly pulling something out from his neck.

"Aw yeah!" Ash said equipping a Mega Ring he brought out from the bag. "Wh-what is that?!" Gladion said. He seems like he never seen one of those before. "This right here? Why, let me show you." Ash said with a huge grin.

"Lucario! Let's go, Mega Evolve!" Ash said touching the key stone on the Mega Ring. It responded with the necklace on Lucario. A bright light shone around Lucario which blinded everyone.

From afar...

A certain teacher was walking around the mall carrying groceries. "Phew, I think that's all of them." ??? said to himself. A bright light shone in the sky, "Hmm? What's that?" ??? said while looking over to the light.

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