Chapter 15 - N-ice to see you here

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(I don't own Pokemon and It's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash woke up finding himself in a old hospital? No he was sleeping on a bed, his cloak was taken off. "Uh oh..." Ash gulped. "I see you're awake, Ash." ??? said. "Wha? Who are you? How did you know my name?" Ash replied. "Don't you remember?" ??? said coming out of the dark. "Your friend." ??? said.

"Hmm? N? Then I'm probably at... the paradise house full of Pokemon..." Ash said. "Yeah it seems that you got knocked down unconscious. So I picked you up and carried you here. I told Anthea and Concordia if you could stay here, what brings you here in Unova?" N explained. "Um..." Ash hummed.

"What? Is something wrong?" N said. "Nothing..." Ash said. "He probably doesn't realize that I died a while ago." Ash thought to himself. "Anyways, where are Anthea and Concordia?" Ash said. "Oh they are taking care of a very special Pokemon that fled from Team Rocket." N explained. "Oh... Can I see her?" Ash asked. "No, sorry she has been through a lot... Wait how did you know it was a girl?" N answered surprised.

"Err... Guessed?" Ash answered nervously. "Hmm..." N said taking Ash's suspicion. "Anyways... I should get going right now, I probably think that Anthea and Concordia still doesn't like me for being a trainer." Ash said. "It's okay, Anthea and Concordia respects you to be a great trainer." N said. "Thanks for the compliment." Ash replied.

Suddenly a Explosion was heard as Ash and N was surprised. "What is that?" Ash said. "Uh oh... I should've known that those Team Rockets would go this far..." N said furiously. "Don't worry N, I'll help you." Ash said. "Thanks Ash, you're a great friend." N said.

Ash and N gets to the scene of the battle. There were at least 5 Team Rocket Grunts and they were causing a ruckus. They look strong, but Ash was prepared for anything. "Hey stop right there!" N said. "Hmm? Look at this little guy, think you're so strong? You don't even have any Pokemon!" Grunt 1 said. "Yeah!" Grunts 2, 3, 4, 5 said. "Well I do!" Ash said. "Ha! you? You can't beat us! You're outnumbered!" Grunt 1 said. "Yeah!" Grunt 2, 3, 4, 5 said in sync. Grunt 1 turned around, "Stop answering me and help me!" Grunt 1 said angry. "Sure!" Grunt 2, 3, 4, 5 said in sync. Grunt 1 facepalmed.

"Well show me what you all got!" Ash said, he knew what he was gonna do. "Alright then, you asked for it!" Grunt 1 said pulling out a pokeball. "Yea-" "Shut it!" Grunt 1 said annoyed. All the grunts released their Pokemon revealing 2 Houndoom, 2 Flygon, and 1 Tyranitar. "Ha! Now are you afraid?" Grunt 1 said looking intimidating.

"Hmm... That'll do." Ash said picking out a Pokeball, and throwing it. Greninja comes out of the Pokeball, "Ready?" Ash said. "I think you mean are YOU ready to be beat?" Grunt 1 said overconfident.

"Greninja, prepare yourself." Ash said. "Gren (Got it)" Greninja nodded. "Go Hyper Beam!" Grunt 1 said. "Houndoom! Flamethrower!" Grunt 2 and 3 said. "Flygon! Hyper Beam as well!" Grunt 4 and 5 said. Greninja waited, then dodged right when the attack was about to hit.

An explosion was heard, "Ha! You're Greninja already lost!" Grunt 1 said. "Wrong-o." Ash said while Greninja appeared in front of Tyranitar and hit him with a strong Cut. "What?!" Grunt 1 said while looking at his desperate Tyranitar. "What happened?" Grunt 1 said.

"Now Greninja take them down!" Ash said. Greninja smirked underneath his tongue scarf and his eyes sharped. Greninja disappeared into the forest around them and threw Water Shurikens like crazy every direction at Flygon and Houndoom. Flygons and Houndooms took the hits and fainted after several hits even tried to dodge, but got hit as well.

"Return! It's all up to you!" Grunt 2, 3, 4, 5 said in sync. "Oh now you leave it up to me?" Grunt 1 said. "Come on! I thought you said I couldn't beat you? Well it looks like I am." Ash taunted. Grunt 1 looked worried, his Tyranitar looked like he took a real beating even though it was not very effective it was a critical hit, "You just got lucky! You'll regret this! Tyranitar, use Stone Edge!" Grunt 1 said furious. "Dodge." Ash simply said.

Greninja dodged like it was easier said than done. "You should give up and retreat before I hurt your Pokemon." Ash said. "Never! Tyranitar use Crunch!" Grunt 1 said. Again Greninja dodged not needing his trainer to tell him. "Greninja finish him with a Water Shuriken." Ash said. Greninja did what he needed to do to beat him with a single throw.

Grunt 1 was shocked, he lost to a random kid using a Greninja. "You'll regret this!" Grunt 1 said retreating. "Yeah!" Grunt 2, 3, 4, 5 said in sync. And with that they left.

"So Ash... That's a Greninja?" N said, he obviously haven't gone to other regions. "Yeah! He and I go back when I first met him in Prof. Sycamore's lab in Kalos!" Ash said putting an arm around Greninja. "I can tell you and Greninja have a great history together in the past." N said. "Thanks!" Ash replied.

"What happened? Are they gone?" ??? said coming out behind the house. "Yes they left Anthea and Concordia, but I don't know if they are gonna leave us be," N said. "Trust me they won't, I know Team Rocket well, they are determined." Ash said. "Who are Team Rocket?" Anthea said. "A bunch of bad guys that like to steal pokemon for themselves or an Evil organization like Team Plasma." Ash answered. "More evil Organizations?" Anthea and Concordia said in sync.

"You also haven't answered my question Ash, what brings you here?" N said. "Um..." Ash hummed a little. "It's okay Ash, You can tell them, N is a special person like you are, he cares about Pokemon. And he's honest." Arceus explained. "Alright then..." Ash started explaining his story so far.

"Got it? Tell no one, or Arceus will kill me." Ash said. "Wow Ash, I never knew that. By the way I really want to meet Arceus in person, I heard rumors that he is a myth, I never believed in them." N said.

"So you're here for Arceus' Mission?" Concordia said. "Yup, is she okay?" Ash said. "Yes she is, come here Meloetta." Anthea called out. "Melo? etta? Meloe! (Huh? Ash? Ash!)" Meloetta cried happily while charging at Ash with a hug.

"Hmm? You know this Meloetta?" N said. "Yeah! I saved her from Team Rocket once, with the help of my other friends." Ash said. "Wow Ash, you're a celebrity to Pokemon, they trust you and you trust them too, Maybe it's time for me to go to the outside world and explore around regions like Alola you told me about." N said. "Yeah! It's a great experience meeting other Pokemon and people, it helps me learn how to be a better trainer." Ash said.

"N! You can't! you must stay safe!" Anthea and Concordia said persuading N to stay safe. "Sorry, I can't I don't want to live under a roof again, I want to journey as well." N said. "Th-then... I'll join you!" Anthea said. "Me too!" Concordia said.

"I'll bring Meloetta too!" Anthea said. "Hey Arceus? Is my Mission done?" Ash said. "I believe so, you warded off Team Rocket, once they come back, they won't bother Meloetta for now, guide N and the others to safety, I sense them wanting to come back for revenge." Arceus said. "Alright!" Ash said. "So what did Arceus say?" N wanting to know more. "I'll need to escort you to a safer area." Ash said. "Okay where?" N said. "The compass will tell me." Ash said looking at his Compass. It pointed far north.

"That way I guess..." Ash said. "Correct. Your Greninja is getting really strong you know that? All of those negative power he destroyed gave him a lot of power." Arceus corrected and explained. "That's nice to know," Ash said. "What did he say this time?" N asked. "He said my Greninja gotten really strong." Ash answered. "That's a good thing." N said.

Someone from somewhere...

"Huf huf... Got out of there Luckily the guy was bad at tying me up so it was a little loose." ??? said. ??? was in the forest getting away from Team Rocket. "Now all I gotta do is get to Meloetta and save her from Team Rocket." ??? said while walking off in the distance.

(END OF CHAPTER!!! How'd you like it? Comment below. This chapter is based on a pun, SORRY)

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