Chapter 52 - All the gathered (information)

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(I don't own Pokemon and it's Company, also Gamefreak.)

Ash was sitting patiently and nervously on the table of four, looking to his right and left were Cynthia and Diantha who looked very happy, but inside, they're serious. In front of him was Steven who looked serious and is serious.

"Alright, 'Alpha' you're going to answer a few of our questions..." Steven explained. Ash nodded nervously. "Okay, can you ask us your real name?" Steven said. "Sorry, I can't." Ash said. "Okay, then you'll do it later understand?" Steven said.

"Fine, any more?" Ash asked. "Yes, do you have any more co-workers in your somewhat company?" Steven asked. "Well... first of all, it's not a company; second, yes, my boss is hiring others." Ash answered.

"Like who?" Steven said. "I don't know, however he told me." Ash said. "Okay, when do you contact your boss?" Steven asked. "Well... it's more like he can see where I'm going and he can spectate whatever is around me and hear too." Ash answered.

"So he can hear us?" Steven said. "Yes," Ash said. "But how?" Steven asked. "He's watching over me, guiding me, sometimes; he does have some businesses to attend to." Ash said. "What kind of business?" Steven asked.

"That's your last question for eternity. I'll answer that one, business of helping others with things, I don't know what the business is about, but that's it." Ash said. "Welp, I'm done here." Ash said while taking his leave, "Wait!" Cynthia said.

Ash stopped. "You said your as in Steven's last question, but can I ask you a question?" Cynthia said. "Don't go back on your word, a question and done." Ash said. "Since you have Pokemon with you, how much Pokemon did you catch? And if you had reached a limit of Pokemon you can hold. Where do they go?" Cynthia asked.

"That's two questions, but I'll answer them. I caught at least 16 Pokemon during my journey, the rest went back with my boss, he'll transfer Pokemon I will need." Ash said. "Wait, how did your boss own a Pokemon Transceiver?" Diantha asked.

"He doesn't it's more like this bag here. He invents things." Ash said. "Then I can't wait to meet him." Diantha said. "I don't think that'll be a good idea. He hates people like you, he and I just recently became friends." Ash said.

"Wait... why did you say recently became friends?" Steven asked. "Because, he used to hate me when I wasted his time, now I don't waste time, but YOU'RE wasting MY time." Ash said. "Well... have to go, gotta collect some Z-crystals." Ash said while leaving them a little taken back by this.

Ash arriving in the mall...

"Guess a change of plans huh?" Ash thought to himself while holding his grumbling belly. Ash heard another belly growl. "Oh sorry, that was me... I'm hungry now am I?" Arceus said. "Yep." Ash answered. "Alright then... Buy me something I'll enjoy." Arceus said.

"Oh fine, don't whine if you don't like it." Ash said. "Hmph, like I would, gods don't whine." Arceus said. Ash heard someone familiar, it was his friends in the Pokemon school, they were gathered together for a little shopping.

"Oh hey Alpha! Where are you headed in the mall?" Sophocles said. "To the exit." Ash joked. "Nah I'm just running to get errands for myself, also my boss." Ash said. "What kind of errand?" Kiawe asked. "Buying a Malasada for my boss." Ash answered.

"But aren't Malasadas for Pokemon only?" Mallow said. "Yeah..." Ash said, his stomach grumbled, "Huh? Hey!" Mallow yelled furiously. "Huh? What is it?" Ash asked. "You didn't even grab a bite to eat over at my dad's restaurant!" Mallow said furiously.

"Huh? Oh yeah..." Ash said realizing while scratching his back.. "I was in a rush okay?" Ash lied. "Hmph! Didn't look like it..." Mallow said while pouting angrily. "Sorry okay? I'll buy something you like..." Ash said.

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